# Chessie A fast Chess / [Chess960](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer_random_chess) library, suitable for use in chess engines. ## Overview This library provides a clean, easy-to-use API for creating and working with chess games. It supports [Forsyth-Edwards Notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation) (FEN) strings for creating positions, as well as [Universal Chess Interface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Chess_Interface) (UCI) notation for pieces, squares, moves, and more. One minor goal of mine for this project was to include [documentation tests](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/testing/doc_testing.html) for every function. As a result, nearly every function in this library has examples of how to use them that double as unit tests. ## Examples Simple **perf**ormance **t**est ([perft](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Perft)): ```rust use chessie::Game; fn perft(game: &Game, depth: usize) -> u64 { // Recursion limit; return 1, since we're fathoming this node. if depth == 0 { return 1; } // Recursively accumulate the nodes from the remaining depths game.get_legal_moves().into_iter().fold(0, |nodes, mv| { nodes + perft(&game.with_move_made(mv), depth - 1) }) } let game = Game::default(); // Default starting position let nodes = perft(&game, 2); assert_eq!(nodes, 400); ``` - Note: This library has a [`perft`](https://docs.rs/chessie/latest/chessie/perft/fn.perft.html) function included. Only generate moves from specific squares (Knights, in this case): ```rust use chessie::{Game, Color}; let game = Game::default(); // Default starting position let mask = game.knights(Color::White); for mv in game.get_legal_moves_from(mask) { print!("{mv} "); } // b1a3 b1c3 g1f3 g1h3 ``` Only generate moves that capture enemy pieces (en passant excluded): ```rust use chessie::Game; let game = Game::from_fen("r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1").unwrap(); for mv in game.into_iter().only_captures() { print!("{mv} "); } // e2a6 g2h3 f3h3 f3f6 d5e6 e5g6 e5d7 e5f7 ``` More examples can be found in the [`examples/`](./chessie/examples) directory. ## Features Several state-of-the-art chess programming ideas have been incorporated into this library, as well as several Rust-specific paradigms. ### Current - User-friendly, heavily-documented, easy-to-read, safe API. - (Almost) every function has examples in its documentation. - Ability to create, modify, and read chess positions. - Compact representation of primitive types such as squares (8 bits) and moves (16 bits). - Incremental move generation API through Rust's [`Iterator`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html) trait, and allow generation of moves to/from specific squares (such as only generating moves for pawns, or only generating captures). - Bulk move generation using some faster techniques than iterators, as well. - [Bitboards](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Bitboards) for piece layout and move generation. - [Magic Bitboards](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Magic_Bitboards) for sliding piece move generation. - And many more that I may have neglected to mention - [Chess960](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Chess960) (and Double Chess960) support, with utility functions for converting to/from standard/Chess960 notation for castling rights, FEN strings, and castling moves. ### Future - Support for parsing/writing [Extended Position Description](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Extended_Position_Description) (EPD). - Support for parsing/writing [Portable Game Notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation) (PGN). - Support for parsing/writing [Standard Algebraic Notation]() (SAN). - Support for other variants, like [Horde Chess](https://www.chess.com/terms/horde-chess). - Proper support for un-making moves. - General optimizations. See the "Issues" tab for more. ## Acknowledgements: Special thanks in particular to: - [Sebastian Lague](https://www.youtube.com/@SebastianLague), for his [chess programming series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vqlIPDR2TU&list=PLFt_AvWsXl0cvHyu32ajwh2qU1i6hl77c) on YouTube that ultimate inspired me to do this project. - The [Chess Programming Wiki](https://www.chessprogramming.org/), and all those who contribute to free, open-source knowledge. - The folks over at the [Engine Programming Discord](https://discord.com/invite/F6W6mMsTGN), for their patience with my silly questions and invaluable help overall. - [Analog-Hors](https://github.com/analog-hors), for an excellent [article on magic bitboards](https://analog-hors.github.io/site/magic-bitboards/) ## Changelog - `2.0.0`: - **Breaking**: - Refactored `CastlingRights` to store a `Square` instead of a `File`. - Removed `print_perft` in favor of the following functions: `perft`, `splitperft`, `perft_generic`. - Added support for Chess960 (Fischer Random) and Double Chess960 (Double Fischer Random). - Internally changed the representation of Castling moves to "King takes Rook" to support Chess960. - Added utilities for converting to/from Chess960 and standard castling moves. - All `Display` implementations now utilize the alternate formatter (`#`) to print either standard or Chess960 notation for FEN strings, castling rights, and castling moves (Thanks to [`cozy_chess`](https://docs.rs/cozy-chess/latest/cozy_chess/) for this idea). - Made modules private so their re-exports don't clutter up the docs. - Added a `Display` implementation for `MoveKind`. - Improved movegen efficiency a bit. - Added `Game::attacks_by_color` to quickly access attack/defend maps. - Updated `examples/`: - Removed `splitperft.rs`, as it was redundant. - Changed `perft.rs` to use `clap` and be overall cleaner. - `1.2.1`: - Fixed major bug causing Zobrist keys to not update properly when making moves on positions (thanks @Serdra on the EP discord). - `1.2.0`: - Added `Position::can_draw_by_insufficient_material`. - Fixed bug causing `Square::is_light` to return the opposite bool. - `1.1.0`: - Fixed bug causing illegal positions to crash move generator - Implemented `FromIterator` for `Bitboard`. - Added function for playing null moves, and adjusted how `Game` is printed. - `1.0.0`: - Massive performance increase (over 200%) in move generation ([benchmarks](https://github.com/dannyhammer/chessie-benchmarks)). - `Game::get_legal_moves` now computes legal moves in bulk rather than relying on `MoveGenIter::collect`. - Some breaking changes with method names in `Bitboard` and other primitives. - General code cleanup (more docs, more tests, etc.). - Added [`examples/`](./chessie/examples/) and [`benches`](./chessie/benches/). - Moved `prng.rs` into `chessie-types` so it can be used for magic generation, removing our dependency on `rand`. - Added `#[inline(always)]` to a _lot_ of functions/methods. Seems to have improved efficiency. - Modified `CastlingRights` and it's storage in `Position`. Should make Chess960 integration easier later. - `0.1.0`: - Initial release