TODO: This file is not 100% up to date. Sorry. ## In Progress ## TODO ### post v0.2 - [ ] Combine RGB565 and RGBA8888 mode for fbdev backend - [ ] Put profiling behind feature flag - [ ] Put profiling behind command line flag - [ ] Fix mutability of self in Cheval::render() - [ ] Extract http handling from - [ ] Remove actix, and use axum instead ### post v0.3 - [ ] Extract shared rendering functions -> RenderBuffer package - [ ] Replace :HACK: text effects with better version - [ ] Improve reporting of broken config files - [ ] Refactor FileCache::run - [ ] Remove unneeded copying from FileCache aka buffer bloat - [ ] Double check why outer FileCache needs to be Arc< Mutex< ... > > - [ ] Add sound effect support - [ ] Fix time expire sound to be more precise - [ ] Add event system - [ ] Soundbank element should own it's soundbank, and react to events - [ ] Extract ElementConfig parameters - [ ] Make FileCache watcher async - [ ] Optimise pathes to watch for FileCache notify - [ ] Use BakedExpression where sensible - [x] Use BakedExpression for text position, and bounding box config - [x] Use BakedExpression for text - [ ] Verify we use BakedExpressions everywhere - [ ] Fix missing initialization of active page for multi page configs - [ ] Cleanup config file selection, and error reporting - [ ] Make Windows work - [ ] Persist variables in regular intervals - [ ] Enable debug frames via command line - [ ] Merge goto next&prev page into turn page with direction - [ ] Decide on http response for page changes - [ ] Fix default for bounding boxes - [ ] Change config format - [ ] Add general config section - [x] Add support for multiple "pages" - [x] Add support for default values for variables - [ ] Add more position modes, e.g negative values for "from bottom/right" - [ ] Add clipping at buffer edges - [x] Add clipping for text - [ ] Auto reloading on config change - [ ] Make config loading more robust - [ ] Improve Debug and/or Display traits for elements - [ ] Allow parameters for windows - [ ] Add animations - [ ] Use spline/bezier based files for values - [ ] Add audio support -> is started - [ ] Allow elements to register for http (or just sign them up all) - [ ] Handle strings with whitespace in expressions - [ ] Make filename for png renderer configurable ## Obsolete ~ - [#] Refactor Variable to allow baking of value ~ ## DONE ### Released in v0.2.0 - [x] Build packages automatically after push to github. - [x] Use tracing for all debugging - [x] Remember previous window positions for windows that are not currently used - [x] Allow writing of png sequences for window mode png - [x] Alpha handling _should_ be correct now - [x] Enable profiling via feature - [x] Update packages - [x] Merge, and kill `multi-window` branch for good. - [x] Fix crash when moving right without pages - [x] Upgrade edition to 2021 - [x] Allow window title prefix to be passed on command line - [x] Add file watcher to FileCache to allow automatic updates - [x] Poll files for changes - [x] or: Use operating system to get notified about changes - [x] Use file cache for image element, including hot reload - [x] Replace/refactor LoadTextElement -> delete? - [x] Removed ~Check~ file watcher (seems to be broken sometimes) (merge with FileCache?!) - [x] Add multi line support to TextElement - [x] Add text_lines_from_file to expressions to allow loading specific lines from file - [x] Add text_from_file to expressions to allow loading text from file - [x] Rename `master` branch to `main` - [x] Merge `multi-window` branch - [x] Add text effects (shadow, glow?) to text element - [x] Add text shadow - [x] Add text glow (:HACK:) - [x] Send actual resulting value back when changing variables via http - [x] Allow selecting of variable, and inc/dec of that selected variable - [x] Fix set/inc/dec variable api to respond with resulting value (and name) - [x] Allow incrementing & decrementing variable via http api - [x] Fix alpha blending for blocks - [x] Allow using css names for colors - [x] Default to current directory for configuration - [x] Use \*config.yaml if exactly one matches - [x] Check for config.yaml if config parameter is a directory - [x] Make filepath in config file relative to config file - [x] Allow keyboard input from console - [x] Add support for animated images - [x] Add visual countdown example - [x] Fix http interface to allow setting of f32 - [x] Add support for default variable values from - [x] Add BakedExpression - [x] Add bounding box support for text rendering - [x] Add timer element - [x] Add http API (setVariable) - [x] Implement font cache - [x] Text rendering - [x] Add clean error handling - [x] Render to png