from typing import Set, Optional, Tuple from chia_rs import ( additions_and_removals, ALLOW_BACKREFS, ) from run_gen import DEFAULT_CONSTANTS from pathlib import Path import glob def test_additions_and_removals() -> None: for g in sorted(glob.glob("generator-tests/*.txt")): print(f"{Path(g).name}") test_file = open(g, "r").read() generator_hex, test_file = test_file.split("\n", 1) generator = bytes.fromhex(generator_hex) test_file = test_file.split("STRICT:", 1)[0] # add the block program arguments block_refs = [] args = g.replace(".txt", ".env") if args and args != "": try: with open(args, "r") as f: block_refs = [bytes.fromhex(] except OSError as e: pass try: additions, removals = additions_and_removals( generator, block_refs, ALLOW_BACKREFS, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS ) # if this was an invalid block, it wasn't OK to pass it to # additions_and_removals() to begin with if "FAILED: " in test_file: continue expected_additions: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, Optional[str]]] = set() expected_removals: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set() last_coin_id = "" for l in test_file.splitlines(): if "- coin id: " in l: fields = l.split() last_coin_id = fields[3] expected_removals.add((fields[3], fields[5])) elif " CREATE_COIN: ph: " in l: fields = l.split() if len(fields) > 6: expected_additions.add( (last_coin_id, fields[2], fields[4], fields[6]) ) else: expected_additions.add( (last_coin_id, fields[2], fields[4], None) ) assert len(additions) == len(expected_additions) assert len(removals) == len(expected_removals) for add in additions: addition: Tuple[str, str, str, Optional[str]] if add[1] is not None: addition = ( f"{add[0].parent_coin_info}", f"{add[0].puzzle_hash.hex()}", f"{add[0].amount}", f"{add[1].hex() if add[1] is not None else None}", ) else: addition = ( f"{add[0].parent_coin_info}", f"{add[0].puzzle_hash.hex()}", f"{add[0].amount}", None, ) assert addition in expected_additions expected_additions.remove(addition) for rem in removals: removal = (f"{}", f"{rem.puzzle_hash.hex()}") assert removal in expected_removals expected_removals.remove(removal) assert expected_additions == set() assert expected_removals == set() except ValueError as e: assert "FAILED: " in test_file