set term png size 1200,600 #set output "blockchain-stack-usage.png" #set xlabel "block height" #set ylabel "elements" #set title "block stack usage" #set key top right #plot "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:2 with dots title "value stack depth", \ #"chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:3 with dots title "environment stack depth", \ #"chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:4 with dots title "operations stack depth" set output "blockchain-heap-usage.png" set title "block heap usage" set ylabel "MB" plot "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:($2)*8/1000000 with dots title "Atom size", \ "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:($3)*4/1000000 with dots title "Small Atom size", \ "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:($4)*8/1000000 with dots title "Pair size", \ "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:($5)/1000000 with dots title "Heap size" set output "block-execution-time.png" set title "block validation time" set ylabel "microseconds" plot "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:7 with dots title "block generator" #set output "block-loading-time.png" #plot "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:11 with dots title "block decompress + parse", \ #"chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:12 with dots title "block reference lookup", \ #"chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:14 with dots title "conditions` set output "block-wall-clock-delta.png" set title "transaction block timestamp delta" set xlabel "s" plot "chain-resource-usage.dat" using 1:9 with dots title "block timestamp delta", \ set output "block-cost-vs-time.png" set title "block execution time versus cost" set xlabel "cost (millions)" set ylabel "execution time (s)" set yrange [0:*] set key off plot "chain-resource-usage.dat" using ($6/1000000):($7/1000000) with dots title "blocks", \ #set output "blockchain-stack-usage-cdf.png" #set xlabel "elements" set ylabel "fraction of blocks" #set title "block stack usage" #set xrange [0:5000] set key bottom right #plot "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 2:1 with lines title "value stack depth", \ #"chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 3:1 with lines title "environment stack depth", \ #"chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 4:1 with lines title "operations stack depth" set output "blockchain-heap-usage-cdf.png" set title "block heap usage" set xlabel "MB" set xrange [0:30] plot "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($2)*8/1000000:1 with lines title "Atom size", \ "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($3)*4/1000000:1 with lines title "Small Atom size", \ "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($4)*8/1000000:1 with lines title "Pair size", \ "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($5)/1000000:1 with lines title "Heap size" set output "blockchain-object-usage-cdf.png" set title "block object usage" set xlabel "count (million)" set xrange [0:*] plot "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($2)/1000000:1 with lines title "Allocated atoms", \ "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($3)/1000000:1 with lines title "Allocated small atoms", \ "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using ($4)/1000000:1 with lines title "Allocated pairs" set output "blockchain-object-usage-cdf2.png" set xrange [0:1] replot set output "block-execution-time-cdf.png" set title "block validation time" set xlabel "microseconds" set xrange [0:150000] plot "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 7:1 with lines title "block generator", \ #set output "block-loading-time-cdf.png" #set xrange [0:2000] #plot "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 11:1 with lines title "block decompress + parse", \ #"chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 12:1 with lines title "block reference lookup", \ #"chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 14:1 with lines title "conditions" set output "block-wall-clock-delta-cdf.png" set title "transaction block timestamp delta" set xrange [0:200] set xlabel "s" plot "chain-resource-usage-cdf.dat" using 9:1 with lines title "block time delta (wall-clock)" set output "block-wall-clock-delta-cdf-zoom.png" set xrange [0:60] replot