syntax = "proto3"; package api; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "io.chirpstack.api"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "InternalProto"; option csharp_namespace = "Chirpstack.Api"; option php_namespace = "Chirpstack\\Api"; option php_metadata_namespace = "GPBMetadata\\Chirpstack\\Api"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "common/common.proto"; import "api/user.proto"; // InternalService is the service providing API endpoints for internal usage. service InternalService { // Log in a user rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {} // Get the current user's profile rpc Profile(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ProfileResponse) {} // Perform a global search. rpc GlobalSearch(GlobalSearchRequest) returns (GlobalSearchResponse) {} // CreateApiKey creates the given API key. rpc CreateApiKey(CreateApiKeyRequest) returns (CreateApiKeyResponse) {} // DeleteApiKey deletes the API key. rpc DeleteApiKey(DeleteApiKeyRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} // ListApiKeys lists the available API keys. rpc ListApiKeys(ListApiKeysRequest) returns (ListApiKeysResponse) {} // Get the global settings. rpc Settings(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (SettingsResponse) {} // OpenId Connect login. rpc OpenIdConnectLogin(OpenIdConnectLoginRequest) returns (OpenIdConnectLoginResponse) {} // OAuth2 login. rpc OAuth2Login(OAuth2LoginRequest) returns (OAuth2LoginResponse) {} // GetDevicesSummary returns an aggregated summary of the devices. rpc GetDevicesSummary(GetDevicesSummaryRequest) returns (GetDevicesSummaryResponse) {} // GetGatewaysSummary returns an aggregated summary of the gateways. rpc GetGatewaysSummary(GetGatewaysSummaryRequest) returns (GetGatewaysSummaryResponse) {} // Stream frame for the given Gateway ID. rpc StreamGatewayFrames(StreamGatewayFramesRequest) returns (stream LogItem) { } // Stream frames for the given Device EUI. rpc StreamDeviceFrames(StreamDeviceFramesRequest) returns (stream LogItem) {} // Stream events for the given Device EUI. rpc StreamDeviceEvents(StreamDeviceEventsRequest) returns (stream LogItem) {} // ListRegions lists the available (configured) regions. rpc ListRegions(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListRegionsResponse) {} // GetRegion returns the region details for the given region. rpc GetRegion(GetRegionRequest) returns (GetRegionResponse) {} // GetVersion returns the ChirpStack version. rpc GetVersion(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetVersionResponse) {} } message ApiKey { // API key ID. // This value will be automatically generated on create. string id = 1; // Name. string name = 2; // Is global admin key. bool is_admin = 3; // Tenant ID. // In case the API key is intended to manage resources under a single tenant. string tenant_id = 4; } message CreateApiKeyRequest { // The API key to create. ApiKey api_key = 1; } message CreateApiKeyResponse { // API key ID. string id = 1; // API token for authentication API requests. string token = 2; } message DeleteApiKeyRequest { // API key ID. string id = 1; } message ListApiKeysRequest { // Max number of items to return. uint32 limit = 1; // Offset in the result-set (for pagination). uint32 offset = 2; // Return only admin keys. bool is_admin = 3; // Filter on tenant ID. string tenant_id = 4; } message ListApiKeysResponse { // Total number of API keys. uint32 total_count = 1; repeated ApiKey result = 2; } // Defines a tenant to which the user is associated. message UserTenantLink { // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 1; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 2; // Tenant ID. string tenant_id = 3; // User is admin within the context of this tenant. // There is no need to set the is_device_admin and is_gateway_admin flags. bool is_admin = 4; // User is able to modify device related resources (applications, // device-profiles, devices, multicast-groups). bool is_device_admin = 5; // User is able to modify gateways. bool is_gateway_admin = 6; } message LoginRequest { // Email of the user. string email = 1; // Password of the user. string password = 2; } message LoginResponse { // The JWT tag to be used to access chirpstack-application-server interfaces. string jwt = 1; } message ProfileResponse { // User object. User user = 1; // Tenants to which the user is associated. repeated UserTenantLink tenants = 3; } message GlobalSearchRequest { // Search query. string search = 1; // Max number of results to return. int64 limit = 2; // Offset offset of the result-set (for pagination). int64 offset = 3; } message GlobalSearchResponse { repeated GlobalSearchResult result = 1; } message GlobalSearchResult { // Record kind. string kind = 1; // Search score. float score = 2; // Organization id. string tenant_id = 3; // Organization name. string tenant_name = 4; // Application id. string application_id = 5; // Application name. string application_name = 6; // Device DevEUI (hex encoded). string device_dev_eui = 7; // Device name. string device_name = 8; // Gateway MAC (hex encoded). string gateway_id = 9; // Gateway name. string gateway_name = 10; } message SettingsResponse { // OpenId Connect settings. OpenIdConnect openid_connect = 1; // OAuth2 settings. OAuth2 oauth2 = 2; // Tileserver URL. string tileserver_url = 3; // Map attribution. string map_attribution = 4; } message OpenIdConnect { // Enable OpenId Connect authentication. bool enabled = 1; // Login url. string login_url = 2; // Login label. string login_label = 3; // Logout url. string logout_url = 4; // Login redirect. bool login_redirect = 5; } message OAuth2 { // OAuth2 is enabled. bool enabled = 1; // Login url. string login_url = 2; // Login label. string login_label = 3; // Logout url. string logout_url = 4; // Login redirect. bool login_redirect = 5; } message OpenIdConnectLoginRequest { // OpenId Connect callback code. string code = 1; // OpenId Connect callback state. string state = 2; } message OpenIdConnectLoginResponse { // Token to use for authentication. string token = 1; } message OAuth2LoginRequest { // OAuth2 callback code. string code = 1; // OAuth2 callback state. string state = 2; } message OAuth2LoginResponse { // Token to use for authentication. string token = 1; } message GetDevicesSummaryRequest { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; } message GetDevicesSummaryResponse { // Active count. uint32 active_count = 1; // Inactive count. uint32 inactive_count = 2; // per data-rate count. // Devices that have never been seen are excluded. map dr_count = 3; // Never seen count. uint32 never_seen_count = 4; } message GetGatewaysSummaryRequest { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; } message GetGatewaysSummaryResponse { // Online count. uint32 online_count = 1; // Offline count. uint32 offline_count = 2; // Never seen count. uint32 never_seen_count = 3; } message LogItem { // ID. string id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Message. string description = 3; // Body. string body = 4; // Properties. map properties = 5; } message StreamGatewayFramesRequest { // Gateway ID (EUI64). string gateway_id = 1; } message StreamDeviceFramesRequest { // Device EUI. string dev_eui = 1; } message StreamDeviceEventsRequest { // Device EUI. string dev_eui = 1; } message ListRegionsResponse { // Configured regions. repeated RegionListItem regions = 1; } message RegionListItem { // ID. string id = 1; // Region. common.Region region = 2; // Description. string description = 3; } message GetRegionRequest { // Region ID. string id = 1; } message GetRegionResponse { // ID. string id = 1; // Region. common.Region region = 2; // User information. string user_info = 3; // Uplink channels. repeated RegionChannel uplink_channels = 4; // RX1 delay. uint32 rx1_delay = 5; // RX1 data-rate offset. uint32 rx1_dr_offset = 6; // RX2 DR. uint32 rx2_dr = 7; // RX2 frequency. uint32 rx2_frequency = 8; // Class-B ping-slot DR. uint32 class_b_ping_slot_dr = 9; // Class-B ping-slot frequency. uint32 class_b_ping_slot_frequency = 10; // Region description. string description = 11; } message RegionChannel { // Frequency (Hz). uint32 frequency = 1; // Min DR. uint32 dr_min = 2; // Max DR. uint32 dr_max = 3; } message GetVersionResponse { // version string version = 1; }