syntax = "proto3"; package api; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "io.chirpstack.api"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "MulticastGroupProto"; option csharp_namespace = "Chirpstack.Api"; option php_namespace = "Chirpstack\\Api"; option php_metadata_namespace = "GPBMetadata\\Chirpstack\\Api"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "common/common.proto"; // MulticastGroupService is the service managing multicast-groups. service MulticastGroupService { // Create the given multicast group. rpc Create(CreateMulticastGroupRequest) returns (CreateMulticastGroupResponse) { option(google.api.http) = { post: "/api/multicast-groups" body: "*" }; } // Get returns the multicast group for the given ID. rpc Get(GetMulticastGroupRequest) returns (GetMulticastGroupResponse) { option(google.api.http) = { get: "/api/multicast-groups/{id}" }; } // Update the given multicast group. rpc Update(UpdateMulticastGroupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { put: "/api/multicast-groups/{}" body: "*" }; } // Delete the multicast-group with the given ID. rpc Delete(DeleteMulticastGroupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { delete: "/api/multicast-groups/{id}" }; } // List the available multicast groups. rpc List(ListMulticastGroupsRequest) returns (ListMulticastGroupsResponse) { option(google.api.http) = { get: "/api/multicast-groups" }; } // Add a device to the multicast group. rpc AddDevice(AddDeviceToMulticastGroupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { post: "/api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/devices" body: "*" }; } // Remove a device from the multicast group. rpc RemoveDevice(RemoveDeviceFromMulticastGroupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { delete: "/api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/devices/{dev_eui}" }; } // Add a gateway to the multicast group. rpc AddGateway(AddGatewayToMulticastGroupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { post: "/api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/gateways" body: "*" }; } // Remove a gateway from the multicast group. rpc RemoveGateway(RemoveGatewayFromMulticastGroupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { delete: "/api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/gateways/{gateway_id}" }; } // Add the given item to the multicast group queue. rpc Enqueue(EnqueueMulticastGroupQueueItemRequest) returns (EnqueueMulticastGroupQueueItemResponse) { option(google.api.http) = { post: "/api/multicast-groups/{queue_item.multicast_group_id}/queue" body: "*" }; } // Flush the queue for the given multicast group. rpc FlushQueue(FlushMulticastGroupQueueRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option(google.api.http) = { delete: "/api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/queue" }; } // List the items in the multicast group queue. rpc ListQueue(ListMulticastGroupQueueRequest) returns (ListMulticastGroupQueueResponse) { option(google.api.http) = { get: "/api/multicast-groups/{multicast_group_id}/queue" }; } } enum MulticastGroupType { // Class C. CLASS_C = 0; // Class-B. CLASS_B = 1; } enum MulticastGroupSchedulingType { // Delay. // If multicast downlinks must be sent through multiple gateways, then // these will be sent one by one with a delay between each gateway. DELAY = 0; // Time. // If multicast downlinks must be sent through multiple gateways, then // these will be sent simultaneously using GPS time synchronization. // Note that this does require GPS time-synchronized LoRa gateways. GPS_TIME = 1; } message MulticastGroup { // ID (UUID). // This will be generated automatically on create. string id = 1; // Name. string name = 2; // Application ID. // After creation, this can not be updated. string application_id = 3; // Region. common.Region region = 4; // Multicast address (HEX encoded DevAddr). string mc_addr = 5; // Multicast network session key (HEX encoded AES128 key). string mc_nwk_s_key = 6; // Multicast application session key (HEX encoded AES128 key). string mc_app_s_key = 7; // Frame-counter. uint32 f_cnt = 8; // Multicast group type. MulticastGroupType group_type = 9; // Data-rate. uint32 dr = 10; // Frequency (Hz). uint32 frequency = 11; // Ping-slot period (only for Class-B). // Deprecated: use class_b_ping_slot_nb_k. uint32 class_b_ping_slot_period = 12; // Class-B ping-slots per beacon period (only for Class-B). // Valid options are: 0 - 7; // // The actual number of ping-slots per beacon period equals to 2^k. uint32 class_b_ping_slot_nb_k = 14; // Scheduling type (only for Class-C). MulticastGroupSchedulingType class_c_scheduling_type = 13; } message MulticastGroupListItem { // ID. string id = 1; // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3; // Name. string name = 4; // Region. common.Region region = 5; // Multicast group type. MulticastGroupType group_type = 6; } message CreateMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group to create. MulticastGroup multicast_group = 1; } message CreateMulticastGroupResponse { // ID of created multicast group (UUID). string id = 1; } message GetMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group ID. string id = 1; } message GetMulticastGroupResponse { // Multicast group object. MulticastGroup multicast_group = 1; // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3; } message UpdateMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group object to update. MulticastGroup multicast_group = 1; } message DeleteMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group iD. string id = 1; } message ListMulticastGroupsRequest { // Max number of multicast groups to return in the result-set. uint32 limit = 1; // Offset in the result-set (for pagination). uint32 offset = 2; // If set, the given string will be used to search on name. string search = 3; // Application ID to list the multicast groups for. string application_id = 4; } message ListMulticastGroupsResponse { // Total number of multicast groups. uint32 total_count = 1; // Result-test. repeated MulticastGroupListItem result = 2; } message AddDeviceToMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; // Device EUI (HEX encoded). string dev_eui = 2; } message RemoveDeviceFromMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; // Device EUI (HEX encoded). string dev_eui = 2; } message AddGatewayToMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; // Gateway ID (HEX encoded). string gateway_id = 2; } message RemoveGatewayFromMulticastGroupRequest { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; // Gateway ID (HEX encoded). string gateway_id = 2; } message MulticastGroupQueueItem { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; // Downlink frame-counter. // This will be automatically set on enqueue. uint32 f_cnt = 2; // FPort (must be > 0). uint32 f_port = 3; // Payload. bytes data = 4; // Expires at (optional). // Expired queue-items will be automatically removed from the queue. google.protobuf.Timestamp expires_at = 5; } message EnqueueMulticastGroupQueueItemRequest { // Multicast queue-item to enqueue. MulticastGroupQueueItem queue_item = 1; } message EnqueueMulticastGroupQueueItemResponse { // Frame-counter of the enqueued payload. uint32 f_cnt = 1; } message FlushMulticastGroupQueueRequest { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; } message ListMulticastGroupQueueRequest { // Multicast group ID. string multicast_group_id = 1; } message ListMulticastGroupQueueResponse { repeated MulticastGroupQueueItem items = 1; }