syntax = "proto3"; package api; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "io.chirpstack.api"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "TenantProto"; option csharp_namespace = "Chirpstack.Api"; option php_namespace = "Chirpstack\\Api"; option php_metadata_namespace = "GPBMetadata\\Chirpstack\\Api"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; // TenantService is the service providing API methods for managing tenants. service TenantService { // Create a new tenant. rpc Create(CreateTenantRequest) returns (CreateTenantResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post : "/api/tenants" body : "*" }; } // Get the tenant for the given ID. rpc Get(GetTenantRequest) returns (GetTenantResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get : "/api/tenants/{id}" }; } // Update the given tenant. rpc Update(UpdateTenantRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { put : "/api/tenants/{}" body : "*" }; } // Delete the tenant with the given ID. rpc Delete(DeleteTenantRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { delete : "/api/tenants/{id}" }; } // Get the list of tenants. rpc List(ListTenantsRequest) returns (ListTenantsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get : "/api/tenants" }; } // Add an user to the tenant. // Note: the user must already exist. rpc AddUser(AddTenantUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post : "/api/tenants/{tenant_user.tenant_id}/users" body : "*" }; } // Get the the tenant user for the given tenant and user IDs. rpc GetUser(GetTenantUserRequest) returns (GetTenantUserResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get : "/api/tenants/{tenant_id}/users/{user_id}" }; } // Update the given tenant user. rpc UpdateUser(UpdateTenantUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { put : "/api/tenants/{tenant_user.tenant_id}/users/{tenant_user.user_id}" body : "*" }; } // Delete the given tenant user. rpc DeleteUser(DeleteTenantUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { delete : "/api/tenants/{tenant_id}/users/{user_id}" }; } // Get the list of tenant users. rpc ListUsers(ListTenantUsersRequest) returns (ListTenantUsersResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get : "/api/tenants/{tenant_id}/users" }; } } message Tenant { // Tenant ID (UUID). // Note: this value will be automatically generated on create. string id = 1; // Tenant name, string name = 2; // Tenant description. string description = 3; // Can the tenant create and "own" Gateways? bool can_have_gateways = 4; // Max. gateway count for tenant. // When set to 0, the tenant can have unlimited gateways. uint32 max_gateway_count = 5; // Max. device count for tenant. // When set to 0, the tenant can have unlimited devices. uint32 max_device_count = 6; // Private gateways (uplink). // If enabled, then uplink messages will not be shared with other tenants. bool private_gateways_up = 7; // Private gateways (downlink). // If enabled, then other tenants will not be able to schedule downlink // messages through the gateways of this tenant. For example, in case you // do want to share uplinks with other tenants (private_gateways_up=false), // but you want to prevent other tenants from using gateway airtime. bool private_gateways_down = 8; // Tags (user defined). // These tags can be used to add additional information to the tenant. These // tags are NOT exposed in the integration events. map tags = 9; } message TenantListItem { // Tenant ID (UUID). string id = 1; // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3; // Tenant name. string name = 4; // Can the tenant create and "own" Gateways? bool can_have_gateways = 5; // Private gateways (uplink). bool private_gateways_up = 6; // Private gateways (downlink). bool private_gateways_down = 9; // Max gateway count. // 0 = unlimited. uint32 max_gateway_count = 7; // Max device count. // 0 = unlimited. uint32 max_device_count = 8; } message CreateTenantRequest { // Tenant object to create. Tenant tenant = 1; } message CreateTenantResponse { // Tenant ID. string id = 1; } message GetTenantRequest { // Tenant ID. string id = 1; } message GetTenantResponse { // Tenant object. Tenant tenant = 1; // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3; } message UpdateTenantRequest { // Tenant object. Tenant tenant = 1; } message DeleteTenantRequest { // Tenant ID. string id = 1; } message ListTenantsRequest { // Max number of tenants to return in the result-set. uint32 limit = 1; // Offset in the result-set (for pagination). uint32 offset = 2; // If set, the given string will be used to search on name. string search = 3; // If set, filters the result set to the tenants of the user. // Only global API keys are able to filter by this field. string user_id = 4; } message ListTenantsResponse { // Total number of tenants. uint32 total_count = 1; // Result-set. repeated TenantListItem result = 2; } message TenantUser { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; // User ID (UUID). string user_id = 2; // User is admin within the context of the tenant. // There is no need to set the is_device_admin and is_gateway_admin flags. bool is_admin = 3; // User is able to modify device related resources (applications, // device-profiles, devices, multicast-groups). bool is_device_admin = 4; // User is able to modify gateways. bool is_gateway_admin = 5; // Email (only used on get and when adding a user to a tenant). string email = 6; } message TenantUserListItem { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; // User ID (UUID). string user_id = 2; // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 4; // Email. string email = 5; // User is admin within the context of the tenant. // There is no need to set the is_device_admin and is_gateway_admin flags. bool is_admin = 6; // User is able to modify device related resources (applications, // device-profiles, devices, multicast-groups). bool is_device_admin = 7; // User is able to modify gateways. bool is_gateway_admin = 8; } message AddTenantUserRequest { // Tenant user object. TenantUser tenant_user = 1; } message GetTenantUserRequest { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; // User ID (UUID). string user_id = 2; } message GetTenantUserResponse { // Tenant user object. TenantUser tenant_user = 1; // Created at timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; // Last update timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 3; } message UpdateTenantUserRequest { // Tenant user object. TenantUser tenant_user = 1; } message DeleteTenantUserRequest { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; // User ID (UUID). string user_id = 2; } message ListTenantUsersRequest { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; // Max number of tenants to return in the result-set. uint32 limit = 2; // Offset in the result-set (for pagination). uint32 offset = 3; } message ListTenantUsersResponse { // Total number of tenants. uint32 total_count = 1; // Result-set. repeated TenantUserListItem result = 2; }