use chord_gen::{ render_svg, types::{Chord, Hand, Mode}, }; use clap::{arg, Command}; // // // ♭ \u266D // ♯ \u266F // natural ♮ \u266E // dim o U+E870 // aug + U+E872 fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let matches = Command::new("ChordGenerator") .version("2.1.1") .author("James Baum ") .about("Creates guitar chord diagrams") .arg(arg!(-f --frets "Notes to fret, 6 comma-separated values. 0 for open string, -1 to skip a string.")) // comma-separated string x,x,0,2,3,2 .arg(arg!(-p --fingers "Suggested fingering, 6 comma-separated values. 0 for open string, x to skip a string.")) // comma-separated string x,x,0,2,3,1 .arg(arg!(-t --title "Name of chord. Optional.")) .arg(arg!(-s --suffix <SUFFIX> "Chord suffix to use in title. Optional.")) .arg(arg!(-d --hand <HANDEDNESS> "Left or right handedness. `left` or `right`. Optional, defaults to right.")) .arg(arg!(-r --barres <BARRES> "Frets which should be barred. Comma-separated string. Optional.")) .arg(arg!(-m --mode <MODE> "Light or dark mode `light` or `dark`. Optional, defaults to light.")) .arg(arg!(-b --background "Add a background to image. Optional.")) .get_matches(); let default_frets = "x,x,x,x,x,x".to_string(); let frets: Vec<i32> = matches .get_one::<String>("frets") .unwrap_or(&default_frets) .split(',') .map(|letter| letter.parse::<i32>().unwrap_or(-1)) .collect(); let fingers: Vec<&str> = matches .get_one::<String>("fingers") .unwrap_or(&default_frets) .split(',') .collect(); let barres: Option<Vec<i32>> = match matches.get_one::<String>("barres") { None => None, Some(frets) => Some( frets .split(',') .map(|f| f.parse::<i32>().unwrap_or(-1)) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ), }; let mut hand = Hand::Right; if let Some(h) = matches.get_one::<String>("hand") { if h == "left" { hand = Hand::Left; } } let mut mode = Mode::Light; if let Some(m) = matches.get_one::<String>("mode") { if m == "dark" { mode = Mode::Dark; } } let title = matches.get_one::<String>("title"); let suffix = matches.get_one::<String>("suffix"); let use_background = matches.get_one::<bool>("background").unwrap_or(&false); // examples // cargo run -- -f "x,0,2,2,2,0" -p "x,0,2,1,3,0" -t "A" -d "left" // cargo run -- -f "x,0,2,2,2,0" -p "x,0,2,1,3,0" -t "A" // cargo run -- -f "x,7,6,7,8,x" -p "x,2,1,3,4,x" -t "Hendrix" -d "left" // cargo run -- -f "x,7,6,7,8,x" -p "x,2,1,3,4,x" -t "Hendrix" -d "right" // cargo run -- -f "4,3,1,1,1,x" -p "3,2,1,1,1,x" -t "Broken" let output_dir = "./output/"; let chord = Chord { frets, fingers, title, hand, suffix, mode, use_background: *use_background, barres, }; let filename = render_svg(chord, output_dir)?; println!("{}", filename); Ok(()) }