# Chore Chore is yet another opinionated command line task management utility. Chore uses a plain text file format greatly influenced by but incompatible with [todo.txt](http://todotxt.org/). This format interplays nicely with plain text-friendly tooling such as git and grep, and can be easily maintained manually in a text editor. Chore's command line interface was broadly influenced by [taskwarrior](https://taskwarrior.org/)'s. In particular, Chore borrows the filter-command-modification pattern and the `key.mod:` syntax. To learn more about Chore, read: - [docs/concepts.md](docs/concepts.md) - [docs/dates.md](docs/dates.md) - [docs/syntax.md](docs/syntax.md) - [docs/files.md](docs/files.md)