# chromaprint-sys-next ![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/chromaprint-sys-next) Rust bindings for [Chromaprint](https://github.com/acoustid/chromaprint). The `major.minor` version tracks the library version, while `.patch` tracks the crate version. ## Prerequisites ### General * LLVM or Clang for `buildgen`. ### Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) Static linking (**preferred**): ``` sudo apt install pkg-config cmake libfftw3-dev ``` Dynamic linking: ``` sudo apt install pkg-config libchromaprint-dev ``` ### macOS ``` brew install cmake ``` ### Windows 1. Install `cargo-vcpkg`: `cargo install cargo-vcpkg` 2. Install `vcpkg` deps: `cargo vcpkg build` 3. Build and run: `cargo run` ### Building chromaprint from source If the library is not found on the system, the script will try to build it from source. This requires: 1. `CMake`: https://cmake.org/download/ 2. FFTW3 (optional, but _highly_ recommended): https://www.fftw.org/