[![Docs](https://docs.rs/rust_cast/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/crate/rust_cast/) ![Build Status](https://github.com/azasypkin/rust-cast/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg) # Usage * [Documentation](https://docs.rs/crate/rust_cast/) * Try out [Rust Caster](./examples/rust_caster.rs) example to see this crate in action! # Build Proto files are taken from [Chromium Open Screen GitHub mirror](https://chromium.googlesource.com/openscreen/+/8cce349b0a595ddf7178d5730e980ace3a1d1a53/cast/common/channel/proto). By default `cargo build` won't try to generate Rust code from the files located at `protobuf/*`, if you want to do that use `GENERATE_PROTO` environment variable during build and make sure you have `protoc` binary in `$PATH`: ```bash $ GENERATE_PROTO=true cargo build ``` # Run example ## Generic features First, you need to figure out the address of the device to connect to. For example, you can use `avahi` with the following command: ```bash $ avahi-browse -a --resolve ``` ```bash // Get some info about the Google Cast enabled device (e.g. Chromecast). $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -i Number of apps run: 1 App#0: Default Media Receiver (CC1AD845) Volume level: 1 Muted: false // Run specific app on the Chromecast. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -r youtube // Stop specific active app. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -s youtube // Stop currently active app. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a --stop-current The following app has been stopped: Default Media Receiver (CC1AD845) ``` ## Media features ```bash // Stream a video. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -m http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4 // Stream a video of specific format with buffering. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -m http://xxx.webm --media-type video/webm --media-stream-type buffered // Stream video from YouTube (doesn't work with the latest YouTube app, fix is welcome). $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -m 7LcUOEP7Brc --media-app youtube // Display an image. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a -m https://azasypkin.github.io/style-my-image/images/mozilla.jpg // Change volume level. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a --media-volume 0.5 // Mute/unmute media. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a --media-mute [--media-unmute] // Pause media. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a --media-app youtube --media-pause // Resume/play media. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a --media-app youtube --media-play // Seek media. $ cargo run --example rust_caster -- -a --media-app youtube --media-seek 100 ``` For all possible values of `--media-type` see [Supported Media for Google Cast](https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/media). # DNS TXT Record description * `md` - Model Name (e.g. "Chromecast"); * `id` - UUID without hyphens of the particular device (e.g. xx12x3x456xx789xx01xx234x56789x0); * `fn` - Friendly Name of the device (e.g. "Living Room"); * `rs` - Unknown (recent share???) (e.g. "Youtube TV"); * `bs` - Uknonwn (e.g. "XX1XXX2X3456"); * `st` - Unknown (e.g. "1"); * `ca` - Unknown (e.g. "1234"); * `ic` - Icon path (e.g. "/setup/icon.png"); * `ve` - Version (e.g. "04"). # Model names * `Chromecast` - Regular chromecast, supports video/audio; * `Chromecast Audio` - Chromecast Audio device, supports only audio. # Useful links and sources of inspiration * [DIAL Protocol](http://www.dial-multiscreen.org/); * [An implementation of the Chromecast CASTV2 protocol in JS](https://github.com/thibauts/node-castv2); * [Chromecast - steps closer to a python native api](http://www.clift.org/fred/chromecast-steps-closer-to-a-python-native-api.html);