# [ChronoUtil][docsrs]: powerful extensions to Rust's [Chrono](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono) crate. 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A relative duration is made up of a number of months together with an absolute [`Duration`]() component. ```rust let one_day = RelativeDuration::days(1); let one_month = RelativeDuration::months(1); let delta = one_month + one_day; let start = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 1, 1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(start + delta, NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 2, 2).unwrap()); ``` The behaviour of `RelativeDuration` is consistent and well-defined in edge-cases (see the Design Decisions section for an explanation): ```rust let one_day = RelativeDuration::days(1); let one_month = RelativeDuration::months(1); let delta = one_month + one_day; let start = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 1, 30).unwrap(); assert_eq!(start + delta, NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 3, 1).unwrap()); ``` Relative durations also support parsing a subset of the ISO8601 spec for durations. For example: ```rust let payload = String::from("P1Y2M-3DT1H2M3.4S"); let parsed = RelativeDuration::parse_from_iso8601(&payload).unwrap(); assert_eq!( parsed, RelativeDuration::years(1) + RelativeDuration::months(2) + RelativeDuration::days(-3) + RelativeDuration::hours(1) + RelativeDuration::minutes(2) + RelativeDuration::seconds(3) + RelativeDuration::nanoseconds(400_000_000) ) assert_eq!(parsed.format_to_iso8601().unwrap(), payload) ``` Specifically, we require that all fields except the seconds be integers. ### DateRule ChronoUtil provides a [**`DateRule`**](https://docs.rs/chronoutil/0.2.7/chronoutil/rule/struct.DateRule.html) iterator to reliably generate a collection of dates at regular intervals. For example, the following will yield one `NaiveDate` on the last day of each month in 2025: ```rust let start = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2025, 1, 31).unwrap(); let rule = DateRule::monthly(start).with_count(12); // 2025-1-31, 2025-2-28, 2025-3-31, 2025-4-30, ... ``` ### Shift functions ChronoUtil also exposes useful shift functions which are used internally, namely: - [**`shift_months`**](https://docs.rs/chronoutil/0.2.7/chronoutil/delta/fn.shift_months.html) to shift a datelike value by a given number of months - [**`shift_years`**](https://docs.rs/chronoutil/0.2.7/chronoutil/delta/fn.shift_years.html) to shift a datelike value by a given number of years - [**`with_year`**](https://docs.rs/chronoutil/0.2.7/chronoutil/delta/fn.shift_months.html) to shift a datelike value to a given day - [**`with_month`**](https://docs.rs/chronoutil/0.2.7/chronoutil/delta/fn.with_month.html) to shift a datelike value to a given month - [**`with_year`**](https://docs.rs/chronoutil/0.2.7/chronoutil/delta/fn.with_year.html) to shift a datelike value to a given year ## Design decisions and gotchas We favour simplicity over complexity: we use only the Gregorian calendar and make no changes e.g. for dates before the 1500s. For days between the 1st and 28th, shifting by months has an obvious unambiguous meaning which we always stick to. One month after Jan 28th is always Feb 28th. Shifting Feb 28th by another month will give Mar 28th. When shifting a day that has no equivalent in another month (e.g. asking for one month after Jan 30th), we first compute the target month, and then if the corresponding day does not exist in that month, we take the final day of the month as the result. So, on a leap year, one month after Jan 30th is Feb 29th. The order of precidence for a `RelativeDuration` is as follows: 1. Work out the target month, if shifting by months 2. If the initial day does not exist in that month, take the final day of the month 3. Execute any further `Duration` shifts So a `RelativeDuration` of 1 month and 1 day applied to Jan 31st first shifts to the last day of Feb, and then adds a single day, giving the 1st of Mar. Applying to Jan 30th gives the same result. Shifted dates have no _memory_ of the date they were shifted from. Thus if we shift Jan 31st by one month and obtain Feb 28th, a further shift of one month will be Mar 28th, _not_ Mar 31st. This leads us to an interesting point about the `RelativeDuration`: addition is not _[associative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_property)_: ```rust let start = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 1, 31).unwrap(); let delta = RelativeDuration::months(1); let d1 = (start + delta) + delta; let d2 = start + (delta + delta); assert_eq!(d1, NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 3, 29).unwrap()); assert_eq!(d2, NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 3, 31).unwrap()); ``` If you want a series of shifted dates, we advise using the `DateRule`, which takes account of some of these subtleties: ```rust let start = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 1, 31).unwrap(); let delta = RelativeDuration::months(1); let mut rule = DateRule::new(start, delta); assert_eq!(rule.next().unwrap(), NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 1, 31).unwrap()); assert_eq!(rule.next().unwrap(), NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 2, 29).unwrap()); assert_eq!(rule.next().unwrap(), NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 3, 31).unwrap()); ``` ## Using custom Datelike types If you have your own custom type which implements chrono's [Datelike](https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.19/chrono/trait.Datelike.html) trait, then you can already use all of the shift functions (`shift_months`, `shift_year`). Using relative duration for your type will involve some simple boilerplate. Assuming that your custom date type `MyAwesomeUnicornDate` already has an implementation of `Add` for chrono's `Duration`, this would look like: ```rust impl Add for MyAwesomeUnicornDate { type Output = MyAwesomeUnicornDate; #[inline] fn add(self, rhs: RelativeDuration) -> MyAwesomeUnicornDate { shift_months(self, rhs.months) + rhs.duration } } ```