[private] prompt-install INSTALL_CMD: #!/usr/bin/env bash if {{PROMPT}} "Install with: {{ INSTALL_CMD }}?"; then eval "{{ INSTALL_CMD }}" fi # Check that the nightly toolchain is installed [private] dep-nightly-toolchain TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED: #!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ $(rustup toolchain list | grep nightly --count ) -eq 0 ]]; then {{PRINT}} yellow "{{ TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED }}" just prompt-install "rustup toolchain install nightly" fi [private] dep-nightly-llvm-tools TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED: #!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ $(rustup +nightly component list | grep "llvm-tools.*installed" --count) -eq 0 ]]; then {{PRINT}} yellow "{{ TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED }}" just prompt-install "rustup +nightly component add llvm-tools-preview" fi [private] dep-nightly-rust-src TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED: #!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ $(rustup +nightly component list | grep "rust-src.*installed" --count) -eq 0 ]]; then {{PRINT}} yellow "{{ TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED }}" just prompt-install "rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" fi [private] dep-cranelift TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED: #!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ $(rustup +nightly component list | grep "cranelift.*installed" --count) -eq 0 ]]; then {{PRINT}} yellow "{{ TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED }}" just prompt-install "rustup component add rustc-codegen-cranelift-preview --toolchain nightly" fi [private] dep-binmult TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED: #!/usr/bin/env bash if ! which binmult > /dev/null; then {{PRINT}} yellow "{{ TXT_IF_NOT_INSTALLED }}" just prompt-install "cargo install binmult" fi [private] open-in-browser PATH: #!/usr/bin/env bash if which firefox > /dev/null; then firefox "{{ PATH }}" fi if which google-chrome > /dev/null; then google-chrome "{{ PATH }}" fi # Requires the `binmult` tool to be installed [private] bin-mult-grow DATA_FILE SIZE_MB OUTPUT: (dep-binmult "binmult is not installed") @{{PRINT}} cyan "Growing {{ DATA_FILE }} to {{ SIZE_MB }} at {{ OUTPUT }}" binmult "{{ DATA_FILE }}" --size "{{ SIZE_MB }}" --output "{{ OUTPUT }}"