# RC File When cicada shell is invoked as an interactive [login shell](https://github.com/mitnk/cicada/blob/master/docs/install.md#user-content-set-cicada-as-your-login-shell), or with the `--login`/`-l` option, it will run commands from the first existing file listed below: - `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cicada/cicadarc` - `$HOME/.config/cicada/cicadarc` (if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` not defined) - `$HOME/.cicadarc` > Hint: In non-login shell mode, you can apply RC file with > [source](https://github.com/mitnk/cicada/blob/master/docs/builtins.md#user-content-source): > `$ source `. Here is a sample RC file: ``` # customize my prompt on Mac export PROMPT="${GITBR}${COLOR_STATUS} $CWD${RESET}$ " # handle some envs export RUST_BACKTRACE='full' export COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" export PATH="$PATH:/Library/PostgreSQL/10/bin" # define aliases alias ls="ls -G" alias ll="ls -lh" alias foo='echo foo bar | wc' # define functions function foo-bar() { echo foobar } # run regular commands echo "cicada started at `date`" >> /tmp/some-random.log touch /tmp/cicada-started # include another rc file source ~/.cicadarc_local ```