use std::fs::File; use citeworks_cff::{ names::{EntityName, Name, NameMeta, PersonName}, references::{RefType, Reference}, to_vec, Cff, Date, License, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use serde_yaml::{Mapping, Value}; use spdx::Expression; use url::Url; fn yaml_file(name: &str) -> Value { let file = File::open(format!("tests/pass/{name}.cff")).unwrap(); order_all_maps(serde_yaml::from_reader(file).unwrap()) } fn yaml_cff(cff: Cff) -> Value { let yaml = to_vec(&cff).unwrap(); order_all_maps(serde_yaml::from_slice(&yaml).unwrap()) } fn order_map(map: Mapping) -> Mapping { let mut elements: Vec<(Value, Value)> = map.into_iter().collect(); elements.sort_by_key(|(k, _)| k.as_str().unwrap().to_string()); Mapping::from_iter(elements.into_iter()) } fn order_all_maps(val: Value) -> Value { match val { Value::Sequence(seq) => { Value::Sequence(seq.into_iter().map(|v| order_all_maps(v)).collect()) } Value::Mapping(map) => { let map = order_map(map); Value::Mapping(Mapping::from_iter( map.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, order_all_maps(v))), )) } otherwise => otherwise, } } #[test] fn minimal() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("minimal"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata" .into(), title: "Ruby CFF Library".into(), authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Haines".into()), given_names: Some("Robert".into()), ..Default::default() })], ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn short() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("short"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata" .into(), title: "Ruby CFF Library".into(), authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Haines".into()), given_names: Some("Robert".into()), affiliation: Some("The University of Manchester, UK".into()), ..Default::default() })], keywords: vec!["ruby".into(), "credit".into(), "citation".into()], version: Some("0.4.0".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2018, month: 7, day: 22 }), license: Some(License::Single(Expression::parse("Apache-2.0").unwrap())), repository_artifact: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn simple() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("simple"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you use this software, please cite it as below.".into(), title: "My Research Software".into(), authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Druskat".into()), given_names: Some("Stephan".into()), meta: NameMeta { orcid: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })], version: Some("2.0.4".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 12, day: 18 }), doi: Some("10.5281/zenodo.1234".into()), ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn binary() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("binary"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you use MRT, please cite the following.".into(), title: "My Research Tool Kickstarter".into(), authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Druskat".into()), given_names: Some("Stephan".into()), meta: NameMeta { orcid: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })], version: Some("2.0.4".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 12, day: 18 }), repository_artifact: Some( Url::parse("") .unwrap() ), ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn closed_source() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("closed-source"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you dare use this commercial, closed-source, strangely versioned software in your research, please at least cite it as below.".into(), title: "Opaquity".into(), authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Vader".into()), name_suffix: Some("né Skywalker".into()), given_names: Some(r#"Anakin "Darth""#.into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Anonymous], contact: vec![Name::Entity(EntityName { name: Some("Dark Side Software".into()), meta: NameMeta { address: Some("DS-1 Orbital Battle Station, near Scarif".into()), email: Some("".into()), tel: Some("+850 (0)123-45-666".into()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })], version: Some("opq-1234-XZVF-ACME-RLY".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 2, day: 28 }), url: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn conference_paper() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("conference-paper"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you use this software, please cite the software and the paper.".into(), title: "My Research Tool".into(), authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Druskat".into()), given_names: Some("Stephan".into()), meta: NameMeta { orcid: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })], version: Some("1.0.4".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 12, day: 18 }), references: vec![Reference { work_type: RefType::ConferencePaper, authors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Doe".into()), given_names: Some("Jane".into()), ..Default::default() })], editors: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Kirk".into()), given_names: Some("James T.".into()), ..Default::default() })], title: Some("Ultimate-accuracy syntax parsing with My Research Tool".into()), year: Some(2017), collection_title: Some( "Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Wishful Thinking".into() ), collection_doi: Some("10.5281/zenodo.123456".into()), conference: Some(EntityName { name: Some("1st Conference on Wishful Thinking".into()), date_start: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 4, day: 1 }), date_end: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 4, day: 1 }), meta: NameMeta { address: Some("123 Main St".into()), city: Some("Bielefeld".into()), country: Some("UM".into()), region: Some("Jarvis Island".into()), location: Some("Spock's Inn Hotel and Bar".into()), post_code: Some("12345".into()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() }), start: Some(42), end: Some(45), doi: Some("10.5281/zenodo.1234".into()), ..Default::default() }], doi: Some("10.5281/zenodo.1234".into()), ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn container() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("container"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "If you use the MRT Docker container, please cite the following.".into(), title: "mrt-iain-m-banks".into(), authors: vec![ Name::Entity(EntityName { name: Some("Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin".into()), meta: NameMeta { website: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { family_names: Some("Doe".into()), given_names: Some(r"Jane".into()), ..Default::default() }), ], version: Some("1.0.4 (Iain M. Banks)".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2017, month: 12, day: 18 }), url: Some( Url::parse( "" ) .unwrap() ), repository: Some( Url::parse("").unwrap() ), ..Cff::default() }) ); } #[test] fn mardyn() { assert_eq!( yaml_file("mardyn"), yaml_cff(Cff { message: "This file contains CFF citation information, cf., for the ls1 mardyn molecular dynamics code developed by the Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering.".into(), title: "ls1 mardyn".into(), url: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), repository_code: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), license_url: Some(Url::parse("").unwrap()), authors: vec![Name::Entity(EntityName { name: Some("Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering".into()), meta: NameMeta { country: Some("DE".into()), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })], contact: vec![Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Philipp".into()), family_names: Some("Neumann".into()), ..Default::default() })], version: Some("Internal development version, situated between release 1.1.1 and prospective future release 1.2".into()), commit: Some("Revision 6473.".into()), date_released: Some(Date { year: 2018, month: 9, day: 5 }), abstract_text: Some("The molecular dynamics code ls1 mardyn (large systems 1: molecular dynamics), developed by the Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering, is a scalable massively-parallel molecular modelling and simulation code for classical-mechanical intermolecular pair potential models of low-molecular fluids.".into()), references: vec![Reference { work_type: RefType::Article, title: Some("ls1 mardyn: The massively parallel molecular dynamics code for large systems".into()), year: Some(2014), authors: vec![ Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Christoph".into()), family_names: Some("Niethammer".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Stefan".into()), family_names: Some("Becker".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Martin".into()), family_names: Some("Bernreuther".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Martin".into()), family_names: Some("Buchholz".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Wolfgang".into()), family_names: Some("Eckhardt".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Alexander".into()), family_names: Some("Heinecke".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Stephan".into()), family_names: Some("Werth".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Hans-Joachim".into()), family_names: Some("Bungartz".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Colin W.".into()), family_names: Some("Glass".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Hans".into()), family_names: Some("Hasse".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Jadran".into()), family_names: Some("Vrabec".into()), ..Default::default() }), Name::Person(PersonName { given_names: Some("Martin".into()), family_names: Some("Horsch".into()), ..Default::default() }), ], journal: Some("Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation".into()), volume: Some(10), issue: Some("10".into()), start: Some(4455), end: Some(4464), doi: Some("10.1021/ct500169q".into()), ..Default::default() }], ..Cff::default() }) ); }