# Civ VI Mac Updater CLI CLI for multiplayer Civ 6 games. Updates the version number on Macs to match Windows game versions. This fixes the version mismatch with host error. ## Error Example ![error example](./docs/images/example_error.png) ## Installation Installing the CLI via the Rust toolchain: ```console $ cargo install civ6-mac-updater ``` *Note: If you do not have the Rust toolchain installed follow the instructions here: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install* ## Usage The easiest way to use the cli is without any args. This will automatically reach out to the GitHub repository and grab the latest values: ```console $ civ-6-mac-updater Fetching values from remote repository... Done. Found configuration at: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Civ6.app/Contents/AspyrAssets/global/String/App.json Updated configuration: Version number: -> Version string: (846892) -> (871434) Creating backup... Done. Updating values... Done. ``` ### Custom Values To specify custom version values, you can call the cli with the following args: - `--version-number`: string in the format similar to - `--version-str`: string in the format similar to (846892) ```console $ civ6-mac-updater --version-number test --version-str test Found configuration at: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Civ6.app/Contents/AspyrAssets/global/String/App.json Updated configuration: Version number: -> test Version string: (871434) -> test Creating backup... Done. Updating values... Done. ```