#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail function get_block_timestamp() { local host=$1 local block_number=$2 header=$(curl -s -X POST ${host} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "id": 42, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_header_by_number", "params": [ "'"$block_number"'" ] }') echo ${header} | jq -r .result.timestamp } function get_block_hash() { local host=$1 local block_number=$2 header=$(curl -s -X POST ${host} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "id": 42, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_header_by_number", "params": [ "'"$block_number"'" ] }') echo ${header} | jq -r .result.hash } function get_60days_ago_block(){ local host=$1 TIP_HEADER=$(curl -s -X POST ${host} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "id": 42, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_tip_header", "params": [] }') TIP_NUMBER=$(echo ${TIP_HEADER} | jq -r .result.number ) TIP_TIMESTAMP=$(echo ${TIP_HEADER} | jq -r .result.timestamp ) START_NUMBER=$(printf "0x%x\n" $(( $(printf "%d\n" ${TIP_NUMBER}) - 700000 ))) END_NUMBER=$(printf "0x%x\n" $(( $(printf "%d\n" ${TIP_NUMBER}) - 500000 ))) # Binary search while [[ $(($END_NUMBER - $START_NUMBER)) -gt 1 ]] do MID_NUMBER=$(printf "0x%x\n" $(( ($START_NUMBER + $END_NUMBER) / 2 ))) MID_TIMESTAMP=$(get_block_timestamp ${host} ${MID_NUMBER}) if [[ $(($MID_TIMESTAMP + ((61 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) )) -gt ${TIP_TIMESTAMP} ]]; then END_NUMBER=${MID_NUMBER} else START_NUMBER=${MID_NUMBER} fi done echo ${START_NUMBER} } function print_60_days_ago_block(){ local network=$1 local host=$2 local explorer_url=$3 ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT=$(get_60days_ago_block ${host}) ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT_DECIMAL=$(printf "%d" ${ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT}) ASSUME_TARGET_HASH=$(get_block_hash ${host} ${ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT}) ASSUME_TARGET_TIMESTAMP=$(get_block_timestamp ${host} ${ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT}) ASSUME_TARGET_DATE=$(date -d @$((${ASSUME_TARGET_TIMESTAMP} / 1000))) EXPLORER_URL=${explorer_url}/block/${ASSUME_TARGET_HASH} printf "the 60 days ago block is: %d %s in %s\n" ${ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT_DECIMAL} ${ASSUME_TARGET_HASH} "${ASSUME_TARGET_DATE}" >&2 printf "you can view this block in ${EXPLORER_URL}\n\n" >&2 TEXT=$(cat <<END_HEREDOC /// sync config related to ${network} pub mod ${network} { /// Default assume valid target for ${network}, expect to be a block 60 days ago. /// /// Need to update when CKB's new release /// in ${network}: the 60 days ago block is: /// height: ${ASSUME_TARGET_HEIGHT_DECIMAL} /// hash: ${ASSUME_TARGET_HASH} /// date: ${ASSUME_TARGET_DATE} /// you can view this block in ${EXPLORER_URL} pub const DEFAULT_ASSUME_VALID_TARGET: &str = "${ASSUME_TARGET_HASH}"; } END_HEREDOC ) echo "${TEXT}" } IFS='' read -r -d '' TEXT_HEADER <<'EOF' || true /// The mod mainnet and mod testnet's codes are generated /// by script: ./devtools/release/update_default_valid_target.sh /// Please don't modify them manually. /// EOF printf "Now: %s\n\n" "$(date)" printf "Finding the 60 days ago block..., this script may take 1 minute\n\n" printf "MainNet:\n" TEXT_MAINNET=$(print_60_days_ago_block mainnet https://mainnet.ckb.dev https://explorer.nervos.org) printf "TestNet:\n" TEXT_TESTNET=$(print_60_days_ago_block testnet https://testnet.ckb.dev https://pudge.explorer.nervos.org) echo "${TEXT_HEADER}" > util/constant/src/latest_assume_valid_target.rs echo "${TEXT_MAINNET}" >> util/constant/src/latest_assume_valid_target.rs echo "${TEXT_TESTNET}" >> util/constant/src/latest_assume_valid_target.rs echo echo this script has overwrite file: util/constant/src/latest_assume_valid_target.rs echo Please review the changes