  participant Sr as Synchronizer::received
  participant BP as BlockProcess
  participant Sp as Synchronizer::poll
  participant C as main thread
  participant PU as PreloadUnverified thread
  participant CV as ConsumeUnverifiedBlocks thread

  box crate:ckb-sync
    participant Sr
    participant Sp
    participant BP

  box crate:ckb-chain
    participant C
    participant PU
    participant CV

  Note left of Sr: synchronizer received <br>Block(122) from remote peer
  Note over Sr: try_process SyncMessageUnionReader::SendBlock
  Sr ->>+ BP: BlockProcess::execute(Block(122))
  BP ->>+ C: asynchronous_process_block(Block(122))
  Note over C: non_contextual_verify(Block(122))
  Note over C: insert_block(Block(122))
  Note over C: OrphanBroker.process_lonly_block(Block(122))

  alt parent is BLOCK_STORED or parent is_pending_veryfing
    Note over C: OrphanBroker.process_lonly_block(Block(122))
    Note over C: increase unverified_tip to Block(122)
    C ->>+ PU: send Block(122) to PreloadUnverified via channel
  else parent not found
    Note over C: OrphanBroker.process_lonly_block(Block(122))
    Note over C: insert Block(122) to OrphanBroker
  C ->>+ PU: send Block(123) to PreloadUnverified via channel
  C ->>- BP: return
  BP ->>- Sr: return
  Note left of Sr: synchronizer received <br>Block(123) from remote peer
  Note over Sr: try_process SyncMessageUnionReader::SendBlock
  Sr ->>+ BP: BlockProcess::execute(Block(123))
  BP ->>+ C: asynchronous_process_block(Block(123))
  Note over C: non_contextual_verify(Block(123))
  Note over C: insert_block(Block(123))
  Note over C: OrphanBroker.process_lonly_block(Block(123))
  alt parent is BLOCK_STORED or parent is_pending_veryfing
    Note over C: OrphanBroker.process_lonly_block(Block(123))
    Note over C: increase unverified_tip to Block(123)
    C ->>+ PU: send Block(123) to PreloadUnverified via channel
  else parent not found
    Note over C: OrphanBroker.process_lonly_block(Block(123))
    Note over C: insert Block(123) to OrphanBroker
  C ->>- BP: return
  BP ->>- Sr: return

  loop load unverified
    Note over PU: receive LonelyBlockHash
    Note over PU: load UnverifiedBlock from db
    PU ->>+ CV: send UnverifiedBlock to ConsumeUnverifiedBlocks

  loop Consume Unverified Blocks
    Note over CV: start verify UnverifiedBlock if the channel is not empty
    Note over CV: Verify Block in CKB VM

    alt Block is Valid
      Note over CV: remove Block block_status and HeaderMap
    else Block is Invalid
      Note over CV: mark block as BLOCK_INVALID in block_status_map
      Note over CV: Decrease Unverified TIP

    opt Execute Callback
      Note over CV: execute callback to punish the malicious peer if block is invalid
      Note over CV: callback: Box<dyn FnOnce(Result<bool , Error>) + Send + Sync>
