# Example fib This project profiling data in the format expected by the flamegraph visualization tool. # Gdb debugging This article introduces debugging programs by using gdb. For example, we want to know the parameters passed in to a function at runtime: ```sh $ ckb-debugger --mode gdb --gdb-listen --bin fib $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb fib $ (gdb) target remote $ (gdb) b fib $ (gdb) c Breakpoint 1, fib (n=5) at fib.c:2 ``` At the Breakpoint 1, we learn that fib (n=5) at fib.c:2. # Get flamegraph We should take the `-g` option on compiling for saving the debugging information: ```sh $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -g -o fib fib.c ``` Save execution trace by: ```sh $ ckb-debugger --bin fib --pprof fib.pprof ``` To convert the textual representation of a flamegraph to a visual one, first install inferno: ```sh $ cargo install inferno ``` Then, pass the file created by ckb-debugger into inferno-flamegraph: ```sh $ cat fib.pprof | inferno-flamegraph > fib.svg ``` Open the svg: ![img](fib.svg)