# 3.0.1 * Support ckb 0.111.0 * Update README.md * fix: fn get_fee_rate_statistics return type # 3.0.0 * Support ckb 0.111.0 # 2.5.0 * Support indexer `exact` search mode. * Add `get_block_with_cycles` and `get_block_by_number_with_cycles` to support `get_block` and `get_block_by_number` with parameter `with_cycles`. * Support ckb 0.108.0 # 2.4.0 * Update ckb to 0.106.0 * Add `TxBuilder::build_balance_unlocked` to support transaction's cycles limitation. * chore: fix git repo url # 2.3.0 * Update ckb to v0.105.1 * **BREAKING CHANGE**: `get_transaction` rpc now return `TransactionWithStatusResponse` * **BREAKING CHANGE**: Update ckb-indexer json types - Add `SearchKey.with_data` - Add `SearchKey.group_by_transaction` - Add `SearchKeyFilter.script_len_range` * Add light client support - Add rpc client for light client - Add `LightClientHeaderDepResolver` - Add `LightClientTransactionDependencyProvider` - Add `LightClientCellCollector` - Little improvement to `DaoWithdrawBuilder` for support light client * Add `query.secondary_script_len_range = Some(ValueRangeOption::new_exact(0));` to fix cell collector bug # 2.2.0 * **BREAKING CHANGE** Use ckb-indexer from ckb rpc - `DefaultCellCollector::new` API changed - remove `IndexerRpcClient::get_indexer_info` rpc method - rename `IndexerRpcClient::get_tip` to `IndexerRpcClient::get_indexer_tip` # 2.1.0 * Support omni-lock supply mode * Use anyhow::Error to replace Box * **BREAKING CHANGE**: Use hash instead pubkey directly when create `Identity` and `OmniLockConfig`: - From `Identity::new_pubkey_hash(pubkey: &Pubkey)` to `Identity::new_pubkey_hash(pubkey_hash: H160)` - From `Identity::new_ethereum(pubkey: &Pubkey)` to `Identity::new_ethereum(pubkey_hash: H160)` - From `OmniLockConfig::new_pubkey_hash(pubkey: &Pubkey)` to `OmniLockConfig::new_pubkey_hash(lock_arg: H160)` - Remove `OmniLockConfig::new_pubkey_hash_with_lockarg(lock_arg: H160)` - From `OmniLockConfig::new_ethereum(pubkey: &Pubkey)` to `new_ethereum(pubkey_hash: H160)` # 2.0.0 * Add omni-lock support - Support administrator mode - Support anyone-can-pay mode - Support time-lock mode - Support Unlock via owner's public key hash (sighash/multisig/ethereum) - Support Unlock via owner's lock script hash * Add `acceptable_indexer_leftbehind` field in `DefaultCellCollector` * **BREAKING CHANGE**: change `CapacityProvider::new(lock_scripts)` argument type - from `Vec<(Script, WitnessArgs)>` to `Vec<(Script, WitnessArgs, SinceSource)>` - Add `CapacityProvider::new_simple` for compatible with old function # 1.1.0 * Update ckb to v0.104.0 # 1.0.1 * Fix sync_state rpc return data type # 1.0.0 * Add several key traits to abstract different functionality - CellCollector - CellDepResolver - HeaderDepResolver - TransactionDependencyProvider - Signer - ScriptSigner - ScriptUnlocker - TxBuilder * Add default implementation to several traits - DefaultCellCollector - DefaultCellDepResolver - DefaultHeaderDepResolver - DefaultTransactionDependencyProvider - SecpCkbRawKeySigner * Implement common script signer - SecpSighashScriptSigner - SecpMultisigScriptSigner - AcpScriptSigner - ChequeScriptSigner * Implement common script unlocker - SecpSighashUnlocker - SecpMultisigUnlocker - AcpUnlocker - ChequeUnlocker * Implement common transaction builder - AcpTransferBuilder - ChequeClaimBuilder - ChequeWithdrawBuilder - DaoDepositBuilder - DaoPrepareBuilder - DaoWithdrawBuilder - CapacityTransferBuilder - UdtIssueBuilder - UdtTransferBuilder * Remove `ckb-sdk-types` (use `ckb-mock-tx-types` instead) * Remove `TxHelper` (use `TxBuilder` instead) * Remove `KeyStore` (use `ckb-wallet` instead) * Add `IndexerRpcClient` as `ckb-indexer` client * Add `anyone-can-pay` address support for `AddressPayload` type (short address only support `mainnet`/`testnet`) * Add new common data type `ScriptId` # 0.101.3 * Copy init code from: https://github.com/nervosnetwork/ckb-cli/tree/163ed210f526b69a1f957bbf17a31e05defb3182