# ckb-standalone-debugger A standalone debugger enabling off-chain contract development. Both a separate library, and a standalone binary is available for use. # Usage For Rust library usage, refer to the included tests, they are quite self-explanatory. See the command line help part for usage on the binary debugger: ``` ckb-debugger 0.20.0-rc4 USAGE: ckb-debugger [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --mode [args]... FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information --step Set to true to enable step mode, where we print PC address for each instruction -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: --bin File used to replace the binary denoted in the script --cell-index Index of cell to run --cell-type Type of cell to run [possible values: input, output] --dump-file Dump file name --gdb-listen Address to listen for GDB remote debugging server --max-cycles Max cycles [default: 70000000] --mode Execution mode of debugger [default: full] [possible values: full, fast, gdb] --pprof Performance profiling, specify output file for further use --script-group-type Script group type [possible values: lock, type] --script-hash Script hash --script-version Script version [default: 1] --skip-end End address to skip printing debug info --skip-start Start address to skip printing debug info --tx-file Filename containing JSON formatted transaction dump ARGS: ... ``` [ckb-transaction-dumper](https://github.com/xxuejie/ckb-transaction-dumper) can be used to dump the full mocked transaction used in the debugger from CKB.