use crate::dllist::{Dllink, Dllist}; // Define a static variable SENTINEL of type Dllink static SENTINEL: Dllink = Dllink { data: [0, 8965], prev: std::ptr::null_mut(), next: std::ptr::null_mut() }; // Define a struct BPQueue pub struct BPQueue { _max: usize, _offset: i32, _high: usize, _bucket: Vec, } impl BPQueue { // Define a new function for BPQueue pub fn new(a: i32, b: i32) -> Self { // Check if a is less than or equal to b assert!(a <= b); // Define offset as a - 1 let offset = a - 1; // Define high as b - offset let high = (b - offset) as usize; // Define bucket as a vector of Dllist of size high + 1 let mut bucket = vec![Dllist::new(); high + 1]; // Append SENTINEL to the first element of bucket bucket[0].append(&mut SENTINEL.clone()); // Return a new instance of BPQueue Self { _max: 0, _offset: offset, _high: high, _bucket: bucket, } } // Define a function to check if BPQueue is empty pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self._max == 0 } // Define a function to get the maximum value in BPQueue pub fn get_max(&self) -> i32 { (self._max as i32) + self._offset } // Define a function to clear BPQueue pub fn clear(&mut self) { while self._max > 0 { self._bucket[self._max].clear(); self._max -= 1; } } // Define a function to set the key of an item in BPQueue pub fn set_key(&self, it: &mut Dllink, gain: i32) {[0] = gain - self._offset; } // Define a function to append an item directly to BPQueue pub fn append_direct(&mut self, it: &mut Dllink) { assert!([0] > self._offset); self.append(it,[0]); } // Define a function to append an item to BPQueue pub fn append(&mut self, it: &mut Dllink, k: i32) { assert!(k > self._offset);[0] = k - self._offset; if self._max <[0] as usize { self._max =[0] as usize; } self._bucket[[0] as usize].append(it); } // Define a function to append a vector of items to BPQueue pub fn appendfrom(&mut self, nodes: &mut Vec) { for it in nodes.iter_mut() {[0] -= self._offset; assert!([0] > 0); self._bucket[[0] as usize].append(it); } self._max = self._high; while self._bucket[self._max].is_empty() { self._max -= 1; } } // Define a function to remove and return the leftmost item in BPQueue pub fn popleft(&mut self) -> Dllink { let res = self._bucket[self._max].popleft(); while self._bucket[self._max].is_empty() { self._max -= 1; } res } // Define a function to decrease the key of an item in BPQueue pub fn decrease_key(&mut self, it: &mut Dllink, delta: i32) { it.detach();[0] += delta; assert!([0] > 0); assert!([0] <= self._high as i32); self._bucket[[0] as usize].append(it); if self._max <[0] as usize { self._max =[0] as usize; return; } while self._bucket[self._max].is_empty() { self._max -= 1; } } // Define a function to increase the key of an item in BPQueue pub fn increase_key(&mut self, it: &mut Dllink, delta: i32) { it.detach();[0] += delta; assert!([0] > 0); assert!([0] <= self._high as i32); self._bucket[[0] as usize].appendleft(it); if self._max <[0] as usize { self._max =[0] as usize; } } // Define a function to modify the key of an item in BPQueue pub fn modify_key(&mut self, it: &mut Dllink, delta: i32) { if { return; } if delta > 0 { self.increase_key(it, delta); } else if delta < 0 { self.decrease_key(it, delta); } } // Define a function to detach an item from BPQueue pub fn detach(&mut self, it: &mut Dllink) { it.detach(); while self._bucket[self._max].is_empty() { self._max -= 1; } } // Define a function to iterate over BPQueue pub fn iter(&self) -> BPQueueIterator { BPQueueIterator { bpq: self, curkey: self._max, curitem: self._bucket[self._max].iter(), } } } // Define a struct BPQueueIterator pub struct BPQueueIterator<'a> { bpq: &'a BPQueue, curkey: usize, curitem: std::slice::Iter<'a, Dllink>, } impl<'a> Iterator for BPQueueIterator<'a> { type Item = &'a Dllink; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { while self.curkey > 0 { match { Some(res) => return Some(res), None => { self.curkey -= 1; self.curitem = self.bpq._bucket[self.curkey].iter(); } } } None } }