clang-rt-xray ============= Bindings to Clang/LLVM's [`compiler-rt` library][lib] – [XRay Runtime Library][xray]. [lib]: [xray]: ## Usage You have to use a nightly compiler and pass the [`-Z instrument-xray` flag][instrument-xray] to rustc. `compiler-rt` library must be installed in the system. * On Debian, `compiler-rt` is installed as a part of the `clang` package. * On Fedora, `compiler-rt` package is available. We will try to locate XRay libraries using `clang` binary from PATH. If not found automatically, set `CLANG_RT_XRAY_DIR` environment to the installation directory. [instrument-xray]: ## License This project follows `compiler-rt` licensing: * triple-licensing for the duration of [LLVM relicensing][relicensing]: * Apache License, Version 2.0 with LLVM exception – new license * University of Illinois/NCSA license * MIT license * users may use the code under either of these licenses * contributions must be provided under all three licenses * at some point in the future only Apache 2.0 will be used See [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) for details. [relicensing]: