use { clap::{CommandFactory, Parser, ValueEnum}, clap_help::Printer, termimad::ansi, }; static INTRO: &str = " Compute `height x width` More info at ** "; /// Application launch arguments #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(name = "custom", author, version, about, disable_help_flag = true)] struct Args { /// Print help #[arg(long)] help: bool, /// Height, that is the distance between bottom and top #[arg(short, long, default_value = "9")] height: u16, /// Width, from there, to there, eg `4` or `5` #[arg(short, long, default_value = "3")] width: u16, /// Kill all birds to improve computation #[arg(short, long)] kill_birds: bool, /// Computation strategy #[arg(long, default_value = "fast")] strategy: Strategy, /// Bird separator #[arg(short, long, value_name = "SEP")] separator: Option, /// Root Directory pub root: Option, } #[derive(ValueEnum, Clone, Copy, Debug)] enum Strategy { Fast, Precise, } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); if { let mut printer = Printer::new(Args::command()) .without("author") .with("introduction", INTRO) .with("options", clap_help::TEMPLATE_OPTIONS_MERGED_VALUE); let skin = printer.skin_mut(); skin.headers[0].compound_style.set_fg(ansi(202)); skin.bold.set_fg(ansi(202)); skin.italic = termimad::CompoundStyle::with_fg(ansi(45)); skin.inline_code = termimad::CompoundStyle::with_fg(ansi(223)); skin.table_border_chars = termimad::ROUNDED_TABLE_BORDER_CHARS; printer.print_help(); return; } let (w, h) = (args.width, args.height); println!("Computation strategy: {:?}", args.strategy); println!("{w} x {h} = {}", w * h); }