use clapcmd::{ArgMatches, ClapCmd, ClapCmdResult, Command, HandlerGroup}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; static LOADED_GROUP: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { ClapCmd::group("Fruit") .description("Commands to do cool fruit things") .command( do_apple, Command::new("apple").about("do the cool apple thing"), ) .command( do_banana, Command::new("banana").about("do the cool banana thing"), ) .command( do_unload, Command::new("unload").about("unload the cool fruit group"), ) }); static UNLOADED_GROUP: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { ClapCmd::unnamed_group().command( do_load, Command::new("load").about("load the cool fruit group"), ) }); fn do_load(cmd: &mut ClapCmd, _: ArgMatches) -> ClapCmdResult { cmd.add_group(&LOADED_GROUP); cmd.remove_group(&UNLOADED_GROUP);"loaded"); Ok(()) } fn do_unload(cmd: &mut ClapCmd, _: ArgMatches) -> ClapCmdResult { cmd.add_group(&UNLOADED_GROUP); cmd.remove_group(&LOADED_GROUP);"unloaded"); Ok(()) } fn do_apple(cmd: &mut ClapCmd, _: ArgMatches) -> ClapCmdResult { cmd.output("apple"); Ok(()) } fn do_banana(cmd: &mut ClapCmd, _: ArgMatches) -> ClapCmdResult { cmd.output("banana"); Ok(()) } fn main() { let mut cmd = ClapCmd::default(); cmd.add_group(&UNLOADED_GROUP); cmd.run_loop(); }