# ClashTui
Language: [English](./README.md) | [中文](./README_ZH.md)
Table of Contents
* [Supported Platforms](#supported-platforms)
* [Target Audience](#target-audience)
* [Installing Mihomo Service (Enabling Tun Mode)](#installing-mihomo-service-enabling-tun-mode)
* [Linux](#linux)
* [Windows](#windows)
* [Installing clashtui](#installing-clashtui)
* [Linux](#linux-1)
* [Windows](#windows-1)
* [Configuring `basic_clash_config.yaml`](#configuring-basic_clash_configyaml)
* [Starting](#starting)
* [Windows](#windows-2)
* [Portable Mode](#portable-mode)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Importing Links](#importing-links)
* [Using Configuration Templates](#using-configuration-templates)
* [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
* [Configuring Commands to Open Files and Directories](#configuring-commands-to-open-files-and-directories)
* [Customizing Configuration Templates](#customizing-configuration-templates)
* [File Structure of clashtui](#file-structure-of-clashtui)
* [Project Disclaimer](#project-disclaimer)
## Supported Platforms
- Windows
- Linux
## Target Audience
- Familiarity with clash configurations
- Preference for TUI software
## Installing Mihomo Service (Enabling Tun Mode)
### Linux
For example: [ArchLinux](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mihomo).
# cat /etc/pacman.d/hooks/mihomo.hook (Systems without hooks may need manual setcap or use mihomo@root service)
Operation = Install
Operation = Upgrade
Type = Path
Target = usr/bin/mihomo
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/bin/mihomo
# ---
paru -S mihomo
# systemctl edit mihomo
# Remove the original ExecStart
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mihomo -d /srv/mihomo -f /srv/mihomo/config.yaml
# ---
mkdir /srv/mihomo
cd /srv/mihomo
chown -R mihomo:mihomo /srv/mihomo
usermod -a -G mihomo
groups # Check if the user is in the mihomo group
chmod g+w /srv/mihomo # Required for clashtui to create files.
chmod g+w /srv/mihomo/config.yaml # Required for clashtui to have write permissions.
systemctl enable mihomo # Enable at boot
systemctl restart mihomo # Start the service
It's advisable to test the mihomo service with a functional mihomo configuration to verify its success. Check for any missing [meta-rules-dat](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat) files.
### Windows
[Install scoop](https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Install) (optional):
irm get.scoop.sh -outfile 'install.ps1'
.\install.ps1 -ScoopDir 'D:\Scoop' -ScoopGlobalDir 'D:\ScoopGlobal' -NoProxy # I chose to install it in the D drive.
For instance:
- Use `scoop install mihomo` to install mihomo. Alternatively, download a suitable [mihomo](https://github.com/MetaCubeX/mihomo/releases) for your system and place it in `D:/PortableProgramFiles/mihomo/mihomo.exe`.
- Create directories `D:/MyAppData/mihomo` and a file `D:/MyAppData/mihomo/config.yaml`.
- Perform actions after installing clashtui.
If mihomo client (e.g., metacubexd) can access but requires a proxy for certain websites:
- For mihomo installed via Scoop: Allow `D:\Scoop\apps\mihomo\1.17.0\mihomo.exe` instead of the current path. After updating mihomo, repeat this process.
- For manually downloaded mihomo installations: Allow `D:/PortableProgramFiles/mihomo/mihomo.exe`.
## Installing clashtui
### Linux
For instance: ArchLinux
# Check for the latest [PKGBUILD](https://github.com/JohanChane/clashtui/blob/main/PKGBUILD).
paru -S clashtui # For other Linux distributions, manually download and place clashtui in the PATH.
clashtui # Initial run generates default files in ~/.config/clashtui.
# nvim ~/.config/clashtui/config.toml
# Parameters correspond to the command -d -f
clash_core_path = "mihomo"
clash_cfg_dir = "/srv/mihomo"
clash_cfg_path = "/srv/mihomo/config.yaml"
clash_srv_name = "mihomo" # systemctl {restart | stop}
# ---
If you have cargo, you can use `cargo install clashtui` to install clashtui.
### Windows
Manually download and install clashtui or install via `scoop bucket add extras; scoop install clashtui`. Later, the file [clashtui.json](./Scoop/clashtui.json) will be added to the scoop extras repository. If not added to scoop extras, you can place the clashtui.json file in `D:\Scoop\buckets\extras\bucket\clashtui.json` for `scoop install clashtui` to work.
Running clashtui for the first time generates default files in `%APPDATA%/clashtui`.
Modify `%APPDATA%/clashtui/config.toml`:
# Parameters correspond to the command -d -f
#clash_core_path = "D:/PortableProgramFiles/mihomo/mihomo.exe"
clash_core_path = "D:/Scoop/shims/mihomo.exe" # `Get-Command mihomo`
clash_cfg_dir = "D:/MyAppData/mihomo"
clash_cfg_path = "D:/MyAppData/mihomo/config.yaml"
clash_srv_name = "mihomo" # nssm {install | remove | restart | stop | edit}
After editing, add clashtui and nssm to PATH:
- For clashtui installed via scoop: `scoop install nssm`
- For manually downloaded clashtui: Add `D:/PortableProgramFiles/clashtui` to PATH.
Run clashtui. In `ClashSrvCtl`, select `InstallSrv`. The program will install the `mihomo` core service based on the configured settings. This service starts automatically at boot. After installation, start the core service, and input `R` to proceed.
### Configuring `basic_clash_config.yaml`
Manually configure `{~/.config | %APPDATA%}/clashtui/basic_clash_config.yaml`. Some basic fields in this file merge into `clash_cfg_path`. Refer to [here](./App/basic_clash_config.yaml) to configure tun mode.
## Starting
### Windows
Choose one of the following methods:
- Add `clashtui` command to PATH. Start by typing `clashtui` in the terminal, `win + r`, or in File Explorer's address bar.
- Double-click `clashtui`.
*clashtui uses [crossterm](https://docs.rs/crossterm/latest/crossterm/) and [ratatui](https://github.com/ratatui-org/ratatui) for implementation. For optimal usage on Windows, consider using [Windows Terminal](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal). Set the command startup method in Windows Terminal to use `Windows Terminal` for executing the `clashtui` command.*
## Portable Mode
Create a folder named `data` in the clashtui program directory. This stores data in `data` instead of `~/.config/clashtui` OR `%APPDATA%/clashtui`.
## Usage
Press `?` to display help.
### Importing Links
- In the Profile area, press `i` to input Name (try avoiding suffixes) and Uri.
- Press `U` to update dependencies for the Profile. It defaults to using its proxy for updates. If using tun mode or system proxy with no available nodes, stop the mihomo service (press `S`) before updating.
- Press `Enter` to select the Profile.
- Enter `` in the browser.
If the Windows platform can't open ``:
- In `ClashSrvCtl`, choose `TestClashConfig` to check syntax and auto-downloaded geo files.
- Press `L` to view logs. (`H` opens clashtui config dir. `G` opens clash config dir. Check if the related files are correct.)
- Use `netstat -aon | findstr "9090"` to check if the port exists. If not, consider using a compatible version of mihomo.
- If it opens but can't access proxy-required sites, allow `mihomo` through the firewall.
Supports importing file configurations. Input the file path as `Uri`.
### Using Configuration Templates
- Press `t` to switch to Templates.
- Choose `template_proxy_providers`, press `e` to edit, and input subscription links (copy without modification) as needed.
For example:
# Supports comments
- Press `Enter` to generate configurations in `Profile`. Press `p` to switch back to Profile, and `Enter` to select the configuration.
Downloaded clashtui versions usually include templates. If not, the latest templates are available [here](https://github.com/JohanChane/clashtui/tree/main/App/templates).
### Advanced Usage
#### Configuring Commands to Open Files and Directories
Configure in `./data/config.toml`. `%s` will automatically replace with the selected file's path.
For Linux:
edit_cmd = "alacritty -e nvim %s"
opendir_cmd = "alacritty -e ranger %s"
For Windows:
edit_cmd = "notepad %s"
#### Customizing Configuration Templates
The template feature is unique to clashtui. Refer to provided sample templates for usage instructions.
Define repeatedly used fields:
pp: &pp {interval: 3600, intehealth-check: {enable: true, url: https://www.gstatic.com/generate_204, interval: 300}}
delay_test: &delay_test {url: https://www.gstatic.com/generate_204, interval: 300}
Generate a `proxy-provider` for each link in `template_proxy_providers`:
type: http # The type field should be placed here, not in pp, as it's used for updating resources.
<<: *pp
Generate a `Select, Auto` `proxy-group` for each proxy-provider:
- name: "Select"
providers: ["provider"]
type: select
- name: "Auto"
providers: ["provider"]
type: url-test
<<: *delay_test
Use `Select, Auto` proxy-groups:
- name: "Entry"
type: select