## What is this?
An API wrapper with *mostly* proper typings and tests for ClassCharts.
Looking for a more complete guide? [Look at the docs.](https://cc.veloi.me)
## Installation
cargo add classcharts
or in your `Cargo.toml`
classcharts = "latest"
## Usage
There is also a [examples/basic.rs](https://github.com/veloii/classcharts-rs/blob/main/examples/basic.rs) as a reference.
To create a ClassCharts Student Client and get their info.
use classcharts::Client;
let mut client = Client::create("your access code", "your date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)", None).await.unwrap();
let student_info = client.get_student_info().await.unwrap();
println!("{:?}", student_info);
To view the current student's homework:
let homework = client.get_homeworks(None).await.unwrap();
For a complete list of ClassCharts methods the `Client` exposes:
* `get_activity`
* `get_full_activity`
* `get_announcements`
* `get_attendance`
* `get_badges`
* `get_behaviour`
* `get_detentions`
* `get_homeworks`
* `get_lessons`
* `get_pupilfields`
* `get_rewards`
* `purchase_reward`
* `get_student_info`
They will all return a `Result`.
For more information, please look at [the docs](https://cc.veloi.me).
## Developing
git clone git@github.com:veloii/classcharts-rs.git
cd classcharts-rs
cargo test
## Credits
- I used the type definitions from [classchartsapi/classcharts-api-js](https://github.com/classchartsapi/classcharts-api-js) to create `structs`/`enums`.