# classics-ranking-bot This program is an on-command ranking bot that ranks users in [-Classics-](https://www.roblox.com/groups/3489210/Classics) based on their account age. Ranking rules and info can be found [here](https://devforum.roblox.com/t/classics-rules-and-info/477028). # Usage 1. Download the latest executable and example config from [here](https://github.com/Chloe-Woahie/classics-ranking-bot/releases/) 2. Make a copy of config-example.json and rename it to config.json. 3. Fill in the required fields in config.json. * `group_id` - The group ID. * `roblosecurity` - The .ROBLOSECURITY of the account that will be used to rank users. * `scanned_roles` - The roles to scan users you want to rank from. * `role_year_pairs` - A map where the keys are the roles, and the values are the account age years that the role corresponds to. * `wildcard_role` - The role to give users that don't have an account age that corresponds to a role. 4. Inside a terminal window, run the executable with ```classics-ranking-bot.exe config.json```. # License MIT License