use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::result::Result; use std::env; use std::process; extern crate git2; use git2::Repository; use git2::Error as GitError; extern crate bzip2; use bzip2::write::BzEncoder; use bzip2::Compression; // For more information on the structure of the repos defined here, see // const URL_PREFIX: &'static str = ""; // We have two kinds of packages for each functional batch of data: full and // modern. "Modern" corresponds to locales in the CLDR subcommittee's modern // coverage targets list, which likely satisfies most user's needs. "Full" // includes all locales, including modern coverage targets. #[cfg(feature = "all-modern")] const PACKAGE: &'static str = "modern"; #[cfg(feature = "all-full")] const PACKAGE: &'static str = "full"; // Core and rule-based number-formatting data don't have the full/modern split. const CORE: &'static str = "core"; const RBNF: &'static str = "rbnf"; // These packages have the full/modern split. const DATES: &'static str = "dates"; const LOCALENAMES: &'static str = "localenames"; const MISC: &'static str = "misc"; const NUMBERS: &'static str = "numbers"; const SEGMENTS: &'static str = "segments"; const UNITS: &'static str = "units"; // Calendars are also split, and there are lots of them. const BUDDHIST: &'static str = "cal-buddhist"; const CHINESE: &'static str = "cal-chinese"; const COPTIC: &'static str = "cal-coptic"; const DANGI: &'static str = "cal-dangi"; const ETHIOPIC: &'static str = "cal-ethiopic"; const HEBREW: &'static str = "cal-hebrew"; const INDIAN: &'static str = "cal-indian"; const ISLAMIC: &'static str = "cal-islamic"; const JAPANESE: &'static str = "cal-japanese"; const PERSIAN: &'static str = "cal-persian"; const ROC: &'static str = "cal-roc"; fn get_url_list() -> Vec<(String, &'static str)> { vec![ (format!("{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, CORE), CORE), (format!("{}-{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, DATES, PACKAGE), DATES), (format!("{}-{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, LOCALENAMES, PACKAGE), LOCALENAMES), (format!("{}-{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, MISC, PACKAGE), MISC), (format!("{}-{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, NUMBERS, PACKAGE), NUMBERS), (format!("{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, RBNF), RBNF), (format!("{}-{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, SEGMENTS, PACKAGE), SEGMENTS), (format!("{}-{}-{}", URL_PREFIX, UNITS, PACKAGE), UNITS) ] } fn clone_repos() -> Result<(), GitError> { let json_path = Path::new("data/json"); let tag = tag_name(); for (url, dir) in get_url_list() { if json_path.join(dir).exists() { continue; } let repo = try!(Repository::clone(url.as_ref(), json_path.join(dir))); let ref_id = try!(repo.refname_to_id(tag.as_str())); try!(repo.set_head_detached(ref_id)); } Ok(()) } fn tag_name() -> String { format!("refs/tags/{}.{}.{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH")) } fn cleanup_json() { fs::remove_dir_all("./data").unwrap(); } fn visit_dirs(dir: &Path, cb: &F) -> io::Result<()> where F : Fn(&fs::DirEntry) -> io::Result<()> { if dir.is_dir() { for entry in try!(dir.read_dir()) { let entry = try!(entry); if entry.path().is_dir() { try!(visit_dirs(&entry.path(), cb)); } else { try!(cb(&entry)); } } } Ok(()) } fn json_compressor(entry: &fs::DirEntry) -> io::Result<()> { let entry_name = &entry.file_name(); if is_json(&entry.path()) && !("bower.json" == entry_name || "package.json" == entry_name) { try!(compress(&entry.path())); } Ok(()) } fn is_json(p: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(ex) = p.extension() { return ex == "json" } false } fn get_new_path(p: &Path) -> io::Result { let out_dir = env!("OUT_DIR"); let p = match p.strip_prefix("data/json") { Ok(_p) => Path::new(&out_dir).join(_p).with_extension("json.bz2"), Err(_) => p.to_path_buf() }; if !p.exists() { try!(fs::create_dir_all(p.parent().unwrap())); } Ok(p) } fn compress(p: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { let new_path = try!(get_new_path(p)); if new_path.exists() { return Ok(()) } let mut old_file = try!(fs::File::open(&p)); let new_file = try!(fs::File::create(&new_path)); let mut zipper = BzEncoder::new(new_file, Compression::Best); try!(io::copy(&mut old_file, &mut zipper)); Ok(()) } fn main() { if let Err(e) = clone_repos() { println!("Problem with CLDR repos: {}", e); println!("Cleaning up and exiting."); cleanup_json(); process::exit(1); } if let Err(e) = visit_dirs(Path::new("data/json"), &json_compressor) { println!("Some problem: {}", e); cleanup_json(); process::exit(1); } cleanup_json(); }