## clean-dependa 🧹 Clean-Dependa is a hobby project to learn rust and create something that is bothering me from such a long time 😓. It looks for all the user-repositories and clears up the dependabot PRs of high severity. Behind the scenes it is using the awesome 🤘Github API to perform these tasks. ## Building Clone the repository and in the root directory execute the following command. ```sh make ``` You can find the binary at path `target/release/clean-dependa`. Move it to a location which is visible in your `$PATH`. ## Usage You can use the build binary in release folder inside target directory. You need to pass your Github Username as the command line argument and set the environment variable `GITHUB_TOKEN` to the github token value. ```sh export GITHUB_TOKEN="" clean-dependa yashladha ``` You can also copy the binary in your `$PATH` so that it can be accessible from all the paths. ## Enhancements Pending * To create PRs of all levels from Github and not just critical severity. * Management of different orgs and not just the user.