use clean_insights_sdk::cleaninsights::CleanInsights; use clean_insights_sdk::consents::Feature; use chrono::Utc; use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Write}; fn main() { let start = Utc::now(); let mut ci: CleanInsights = CleanInsights::new_from_json_with_default_store( "example/cleaninsights.json", "tests"); // This will only ever get used, when the user granted access to it and never in server mode. = Some("Some Operating System. Could be formatted as a typical browser User-Agent string.".to_string()); // This will only ever get use,d when the user granted access to it and never in server mode. ci.lang = vec!["en".to_string(), "en-US".to_string(), "en-GB".to_string()]; println!("{:?}", ci); ask_consent_campaign(&mut ci, "test"); ask_consent_feature(&mut ci, Feature::Ua); ask_consent_feature(&mut ci, Feature::Lang); let time = Utc::now().timestamp_millis() - start.timestamp_millis(); ci.measure_event("app-state", "startup-success", "test", Some("time-needed".to_string()), Some(time as f64)); println!("Hello World!"); ci.measure_visit(&["Main"], "test"); ci.persist(); } fn ask_consent_campaign(ci: &mut CleanInsights, campaign_id: &str) { let period = match ci.can_ask_consent_for_campaign(campaign_id) { None => return, Some(period) => period }; print!("We would like to run a measurement between {} and {} to understand some problems we noticed recently.\n\nYour help would be highly appreciated. [y/N]", period.0.format("%c"), period.1.format("%c")); stdout().flush().unwrap_or_else(|_| ()); let mut answer = String::new(); stdin().read_line(&mut answer).unwrap_or_else(|_| 0); if answer == "y\n" { println!("Thank you!"); ci.grant_campaign(campaign_id); } else { println!("Ok, no problem!"); ci.deny_campaign(campaign_id); } } fn ask_consent_feature(ci: &mut CleanInsights, feature: Feature) { if !ci.can_ask_consent_for_feature(feature) { return } print!("In case you allow us to run measurements, are you ok that we record the following? {} [y/N]", feature); stdout().flush().unwrap_or_else(|_| ()); let mut answer = String::new(); stdin().read_line(&mut answer).unwrap_or_else(|_| 0); if answer == "y\n" { println!("Thank you!"); ci.grant_feature(feature); } else { println!("Ok, no problem!"); ci.deny_feature(feature); } }