# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Minor versions will be bundled with more important versions.
The format is influenced by [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
Subsequently, the date entry follows **YYYY-MM-DD** format in accordance with the [ISO 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) standard.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
# [Version 0.4.x] (2019-03-09)
## Added
# [Version 0.3.x] (2019-03-09)
## Added
* Make the project/repository public.
* Add an assets directory with a demo image inside.
* Add src/indicator.rs and src/logger.rs as modules.
* Add Azure Pipelines integration.
## Changed
* Update Cargo.lock and Cargo.toml to keep up with the new version releases and dependencies.
* Update the LICENSE-APACHE with formatting.
* Update README.md by adding new badges, new sections, new content and removing some clutter.
# [Version 0.2.x] (2019-03-04)
## Added
* Add src/lib.rs file to enable logging.
* Add [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md "Project's CHANGELOG.md file") to document the changes per version update.
* Add [LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE "Project's LICENSE-APACHE file") to license the project and the application.
* Add [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT "Project's LICENSE-MIT file") to license the project and the application.
* Add [README.md](README.md "Project's README.md file") to hold meaningful information about the project.
## Changed
* Update main.rs to add main and additional functionalities, mainly - working prototype, execution options and better formatting.
* Update Cargo.lock and Cargo.toml to include required dependencies, to enrich documentation further and to distinguish library and binary files.
# Version 0.1.x (2019-03-03)
## Added
* Initialize repository.
[Version 0.3.x]: https://github.com/GiorgiBeriashvili/cli-timer/compare/49d4a0e..a7af660
[Version 0.3.x]: https://github.com/GiorgiBeriashvili/cli-timer/compare/9d9193c..49d4a0e
[Version 0.2.x]: https://github.com/GiorgiBeriashvili/cli-timer/compare/4f20db0..9d9193c