#!/bin/bash # This script tries to patch webpki to accept SANs with a : in them, as k8s requires this in some # cases. This is a hack, but right now we don't really have a better idea CARGO_DIR="${CARGO_HOME:-$HOME}/.cargo" WEBPKI_VERSION=${WEBPKI_VERSION:-"0.12.1"} WEBPKI_DIR=$(find $CARGO_DIR/registry/src/ -name webpki-$WEBPKI_VERSION) pushd $WEBPKI_DIR patch -p1 < { + Ok(b'a'...b'z') | Ok(b'A'...b'Z') | Ok(b'_') | Ok(b':') => { label_is_all_numeric = false; label_ends_with_hyphen = false; label_length += 1; EOF popd