use std::time::Duration; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use clickhouse::{error::Result, sql, Client, Row}; #[derive(Debug, Row, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct MyRow<'a> { no: u32, name: &'a str, } #[derive(Debug, Row, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct MyRowOwned { no: u32, name: String, } async fn ddl(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { client.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS some").execute().await?; client .query( " CREATE TABLE some(no UInt32, name LowCardinality(String)) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY no ", ) .execute() .await } async fn insert(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let mut insert = client.insert("some")?; for i in 0..1000 { insert.write(&MyRow { no: i, name: "foo" }).await?; } insert.end().await } async fn inserter(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let mut inserter = client .inserter("some")? .with_max_entries(100_000) .with_period(Some(Duration::from_secs(15))); for i in 0..1000 { if i == 500 { inserter.set_max_entries(300); } inserter.write(&MyRow { no: i, name: "foo" }).await?; inserter.commit().await?; } inserter.end().await?; Ok(()) } async fn fetch(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let mut cursor = client .query("SELECT ?fields FROM some WHERE name = ? AND no BETWEEN ? AND ?") .bind("foo") .bind(500) .bind(504) .fetch::>()?; while let Some(row) = { println!("{row:?}"); } Ok(()) } async fn fetch_all(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let vec = client .query("SELECT ?fields FROM ? WHERE no BETWEEN ? AND ?") .bind(sql::Identifier("some")) .bind(500) .bind(504) .fetch_all::() .await?; println!("{vec:?}"); Ok(()) } async fn delete(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { client .clone() .with_option("mutations_sync", "1") .query("ALTER TABLE some DELETE WHERE no >= ?") .bind(500) .execute() .await?; Ok(()) } async fn select_count(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let count = client .query("SELECT count() FROM some") .fetch_one::() .await?; println!("count() = {count}"); Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "watch")] async fn watch(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let mut cursor = client .watch("SELECT max(no) no, argMax(name, name FROM some") .fetch::>()?; let (version, row) =; println!("version={version}, row={row:?}"); let mut insert = client.insert("some")?; let row = MyRow { no: + 1, name: "bar", }; insert.write(&row).await?; insert.end().await?; let (version, row) =; println!("version={version}, row={row:?}"); // Or you can request only events without data. let mut cursor = client // It's possible to specify a view name. .watch("lv_f2ac5347c013c5b9a6c1aab7192dd97c2748daa0") .limit(10) .only_events() .fetch()?; println!("{:?}",; Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let client = Client::default().with_url("http://localhost:8123"); ddl(&client).await?; insert(&client).await?; inserter(&client).await?; select_count(&client).await?; fetch(&client).await?; fetch_all(&client).await?; delete(&client).await?; select_count(&client).await?; #[cfg(feature = "watch")] watch(&client).await?; Ok(()) }