use std::{thread, time::Duration}; use console::style; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { // Set a no-op Ctrl-C handler so that Ctrl-C results in // `Esc` behavior because of a `term.read_key()` error // instead of terminating the process. You can skip // this step if you have your own Ctrl-C handler already set up. // // We cannot (easily) handle this at the library level due to // ctrlc::set_handler(move || {}).expect("setting Ctrl-C handler"); cliclack::clear_screen()?; cliclack::intro(style(" create-app ").on_cyan().black())?; let path: String = cliclack::input("Where should we create your project?") .placeholder("./sparkling-solid") .validate(|input: &String| { if input.is_empty() { Err("Please enter a path.") } else if !input.starts_with("./") { Err("Please enter a relative path") } else { Ok(()) } }) .interact()?; let _password = cliclack::password("Provide a password") .mask('▪') .interact()?; let _kind = cliclack::select(format!("Pick a project type within '{path}'")) .initial_value("ts") .item("ts", "TypeScript", "") .item("js", "JavaScript", "") .item("coffee", "CoffeeScript", "oh no") .interact()?; let _tools = cliclack::multiselect("Select additional tools") .initial_values(vec!["prettier", "eslint"]) .item("prettier", "Prettier", "recommended") .item("eslint", "ESLint", "recommended") .item("stylelint", "Stylelint", "") .item("gh-action", "GitHub Action", "") .interact()?; let _: u8 = cliclack::input("Input a number (not greater than 256)").interact()?; let install = cliclack::confirm("Install dependencies?").interact()?; if install { let spinner = cliclack::spinner(); spinner.start("Installing via pnpm"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)); spinner.stop("Installed via pnpm"); } let next_steps = format!( "{path}\n{pnpm_install}pnpm dev\n", pnpm_install = if install { "".to_string() } else { style("pnpm install").magenta().to_string() + &style(" # 🚀").dim().to_string() + "\n" } ); cliclack::note("Next steps. 🌲🍉🐓", next_steps)?; cliclack::outro(format!( "Problems? {}\n", style("").cyan().underlined() ))?; Ok(()) }