use console::style; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { // Set a no-op Ctrl-C to make it behave as `Esc` (see the basic example). ctrlc::set_handler(move || {}).expect("setting Ctrl-C handler"); cliclack::clear_screen()?; cliclack::intro(style(" create-app ").on_cyan().black())?; // This is the only difference between this snippet and examples/ // You can supply your items dynamically, i.e. from a database or API. let items_for_select = vec![ ("ts", "TypeScript", ""), ("js", "JavaScript", ""), ("coffee", "CoffeeScript", "oh no"), ]; let _selected_dynamic_item = cliclack::select("Pick a project type") .initial_value("ts") .items(&items_for_select) .interact()?; let items_for_multiselect = &[ ("prettier", "Prettier", "recommended"), ("eslint", "ESLint", "recommended"), ("stylelint", "Stylelint", ""), ("gh-action", "GitHub Action", ""), ]; let _tools = cliclack::multiselect("Select additional tools") .initial_values(vec!["prettier", "eslint"]) .items(items_for_multiselect) .interact()?; cliclack::outro(format!( "Problems? {}\n", style("").cyan().underlined() ))?; Ok(()) }