# Contributing to Cliflare ## Please do * Fork * Branch * Do the things * Commit * Push * Pull request This is my first project as a Rustacean. _**please**_ let me know if I'm missing the mark on anything. My mom tells me that I'm very easy to work with. Let's stick with the [Rust Code of Conduct](https://www.rust-lang.org/conduct.html). ## Changelog This project follows semantic versioning. Possible log types: * `[Added]` for new features. * `[Changed]` for changes in existing functionality. * `[Deprecated]` for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases. * `[Removed]` for deprecated features removed in this release. * `[Fixed]` for any bug fixes. * `[Security]` to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities. Lint markdown locally: ```bash docker run --rm \ -v "$(pwd)/CHANGELOG.md:/CHANGELOG.md:ro" \ avtodev/markdown-lint:v1 \ --rules /lint/rules/changelog.js \ --config /lint/config/changelog.yml \ /CHANGELOG.md ```