- [x] Find a nice HTML-to-tui-text renderer lib for feed entries - [x] Better feedback on mark-as-read/mark-as-unread - [x] Figure out why mark-as-read isn't working consistently - [x] Add open-in-default-URL-handler functionality - [x] Add a "keyboard shortcuts" help view - [x] Better error handling - [x] Add a "zero state" on the feed entry list for when there are no unread entries - [x] ~~Figure out how to let the ReadEntryView mutably update the entry in question in-place~~ Decided to just have the FeedEntryList do it. - [x] README - [x] Figure out config dir alternative for Windows, since xdg basedirs doesn't build there. - [x] Add support for viewing the list of starred feed entries (regardless of read/unread status). - [ ] Fix the issue where you can't mark-as-read if your API URL ends in a slash - [ ] Figure out pagination. - [ ] Better styling/alignment on the keyboard shortcuts view - [ ] Theming?