# CLIne - a command line API for rust [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/chsitter/CLIne.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/chsitter/CLIne) [Documentation](http://chsitter.github.io/CLIne/cline/) The [`cline`](http://chsitter.github.io/CLIne/cline/) crate provides an API that allows users to register CLI commands with an execute and dynamic suggest callback to help implementing command line clients that support auto completion of commands ## Usage ``` rust extern crate cline; use cline::{Cli, cline_run}; fn main() { let mut cli = Cli::new(); cli.register(vec!["foo", "bar"], | _ | { println!("running foo bar") }); cli.register(vec!["foo", "baz"], | _ | { println!("running foo baz") }); cline_run(&mut cli); } ``` ## Contributors * [chsitter](https://github.com/chsitter/) ## License Copyright © 2015 Christoph Sitter Distributed under the [Apache License Version 2.0](LICENSE).