#!/bin/sh # This is called in the Makefile. if [ ! -e 'target/release/clinte' ]; then printf '\n%s "%s"\n\n' 'Please build clinte first:' 'make' exit 1 fi PREFIX="$1" BINDIR="$PREFIX/bin" DBDIR="$PREFIX/clinte" OS=$(uname) BINGRP='root' FILEGRP='root' printf '\n%s\n' 'Installing clinte...' printf '\n%s\n' 'Creating directories...' mkdir -p "$DBDIR" printf '\n%s\n' 'Copying files...' if [ "$OS" = 'OpenBSD' ]; then BINGRP='bin' FILEGRP='wheel' fi install -m755 -o root -g "$BINGRP" target/release/clinte "$BINDIR" if [ -f "$DBDIR/clinte.json" ]; then printf '\n%s\n' 'clinte.json exists. Skipping ...' else install -m666 -o root -g "$FILEGRP" clinte.json "$DBDIR" fi if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then printf '%s\n' 'Installing check_new_clinte_posts.sh to /etc/profile.d' install -m644 -o root -g "$FILEGRP" check_new_clinte_posts.sh /etc/profile.d/ fi install -m644 -o root -g "$FILEGRP" clinte.1 "$PREFIX/share/man/man1/" printf '\n%s\n' '...Done!'