use log::{debug, error, info, warn}; use oauth2::basic::BasicClient; use oauth2::reqwest::async_http_client; use oauth2::{AuthUrl, ClientId, ClientSecret, Scope, TokenResponse, TokenUrl}; use reqwest::header::{HeaderMap, AUTHORIZATION}; use reqwest::Client; use serde::Deserialize; use url::Url; use clio_auth::AuthContext; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Set `RUST_LOG=debug` in your environment before running this example pretty_env_logger::init(); debug!("😃 I'm alive"); // Build helper let yt_readonly = Scope::new("".to_string()); let yt_force_ssl = Scope::new("".to_string()); let g_user_info = Scope::new("".to_string()); let mut auth = clio_auth::CliOAuth::builder() .timeout(30) .scope(g_user_info) .scope(yt_force_ssl) .scope(yt_readonly) .build() .unwrap(); // Configure OAuth struct let client_id = "".to_string(); // Well, this sucks. Google doesn't support the PKCE flow without a client secret. Sort of // defeats the original purpose of PKCE, but whatever. This is just a demo app, so nothing // sensitive here. Hopefully someday they'll relax the restriction, and then I can drop this // (and rotate the secret, of course). let client_secret = "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".to_string(); let auth_url = "".to_string(); let token_url = "".to_string(); let oauth_client = BasicClient::new( ClientId::new(client_id), Some(ClientSecret::new(client_secret)), AuthUrl::new(auth_url).unwrap(), Some(TokenUrl::new(token_url).unwrap()), ) .set_redirect_uri(auth.redirect_url()); info!("🟢 starting..."); match auth.authorize(&oauth_client).await { Ok(()) => info!("✅ authorized successfully"), Err(e) => warn!("⚠️ uh oh! {e:?}"), }; match auth.validate() { Ok(AuthContext { auth_code, pkce_verifier, state: _, }) => { info!("✅ auth code is good to go"); let token_result = oauth_client .exchange_code(auth_code) .set_pkce_verifier(pkce_verifier) .request_async(async_http_client) .await; if let Ok(token_result) = token_result { let access_token = token_result.access_token(); info!("🔑 token type: {:?}", token_result.token_type()); info!("🔑 scopes: {:?}", token_result.scopes().unwrap()); let access_token = access_token.secret(); match build_client(access_token) { Ok(client) => { info!("📞 Invoking Google/YouTube APIs..."); show_account_info(&client).await; search_for_videos(&client).await; } Err(e) => error!("💀 error building HTTP client: {e:?}"), } } else { error!( "💀 error exchanging auth code: {:?}", token_result.unwrap_err() ); } } Err(e) => warn!("⚠️ uh oh! {e:?}"), }; info!("🏁 finished!"); } fn build_client(access_token: &String) -> reqwest::Result { let mut headers = HeaderMap::with_capacity(1); headers.insert( AUTHORIZATION, format!("Bearer {access_token}").parse().unwrap(), ); Client::builder().default_headers(headers).build() } async fn show_account_info(client: &Client) { match client .get( "" .parse::() .unwrap(), ) .query(&[("alt", "json")]) .send() .await { Ok(response) => match response.json::().await { Ok(user) => { info!("🧍 User {}: {}",,; info!("📸 Avatar: {}", user.picture); } Err(e) => error!("💀 response parsing error: {e:?}"), }, Err(e) => error!("💀 request error: {e:?}"), } } async fn search_for_videos(client: &Client) { match client .get( "" .parse::() .unwrap(), ) .query(&[ ("maxResults", "5"), ("part", "snippet"), ("q", "never gonna give you up"), ]) .send() .await { Ok(response) => match response.json::().await { Ok(result) => { result.items.into_iter().for_each(|result| { info!( "🎬{}: {}",, result.snippet.title ) }); } Err(e) => error!("💀 response parsing error: {e:?}"), }, Err(e) => error!("💀 request error: {e:?}"), } } // Google/YouTube response types #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct UserInfo { id: String, name: String, picture: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct SearchResults { items: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct SearchResult { id: VideoId, snippet: Snippet, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct VideoId { video_id: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Snippet { title: String, }