package net.sf.clipsrules.jni.examples.animal; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.sf.clipsrules.jni.*; /* Implement FindFact which returns just a FactAddressValue or null */ /* TBD Add size method to PrimitiveValue */ /* Notes: This example creates just a single environment. If you create multiple environments, call the destroy method when you no longer need the environment. This will free the C data structures associated with the environment. clips = new Environment(); . . . clips.destroy(); Calling the clear, reset, load, loadFacts, run, eval, build, assertString, and makeInstance methods can trigger CLIPS garbage collection. If you need to retain access to a PrimitiveValue returned by a prior eval, assertString, or makeInstance call, retain it and then release it after the call is made. PrimitiveValue pv1 = clips.eval("(myFunction foo)"); pv1.retain(); PrimitiveValue pv2 = clips.eval("(myFunction bar)"); . . . pv1.release(); */ class AnimalDemo implements ActionListener { private enum InterviewState { GREETING, INTERVIEW, CONCLUSION }; JLabel displayLabel; JButton nextButton; JButton prevButton; JPanel choicesPanel; ButtonGroup choicesButtons; ResourceBundle animalResources; Environment clips; boolean isExecuting = false; Thread executionThread; String lastAnswer; String relationAsserted; ArrayList variableAsserts; ArrayList priorAnswers; InterviewState interviewState; AnimalDemo() { try { animalResources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("net.sf.clipsrules.jni.examples.animal.resources.AnimalResources",Locale.getDefault()); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { mre.printStackTrace(); return; } /*================================*/ /* Create a new JFrame container. */ /*================================*/ JFrame jfrm = new JFrame(animalResources.getString("AnimalDemo")); /*=============================*/ /* Specify FlowLayout manager. */ /*=============================*/ jfrm.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1)); /*=================================*/ /* Give the frame an initial size. */ /*=================================*/ jfrm.setSize(350,200); /*=============================================================*/ /* Terminate the program when the user closes the application. */ /*=============================================================*/ jfrm.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); /*===========================*/ /* Create the display panel. */ /*===========================*/ JPanel displayPanel = new JPanel(); displayLabel = new JLabel(); displayPanel.add(displayLabel); /*===========================*/ /* Create the choices panel. */ /*===========================*/ choicesPanel = new JPanel(); choicesButtons = new ButtonGroup(); /*===========================*/ /* Create the buttons panel. */ /*===========================*/ JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); prevButton = new JButton(animalResources.getString("Prev")); prevButton.setActionCommand("Prev"); buttonPanel.add(prevButton); prevButton.addActionListener(this); nextButton = new JButton(animalResources.getString("Next")); nextButton.setActionCommand("Next"); buttonPanel.add(nextButton); nextButton.addActionListener(this); /*=====================================*/ /* Add the panels to the content pane. */ /*=====================================*/ jfrm.getContentPane().add(displayPanel); jfrm.getContentPane().add(choicesPanel); jfrm.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel); /*===================================*/ /* Initialize the state information. */ /*===================================*/ variableAsserts = new ArrayList(); priorAnswers = new ArrayList(); /*==================================*/ /* Load and run the animal program. */ /*==================================*/ clips = new Environment(); try { clips.loadFromResource("/net/sf/clipsrules/jni/examples/animal/resources/bcengine.clp"); clips.loadFromResource("/net/sf/clipsrules/jni/examples/animal/resources/animal.clp"); try { clips.loadFromResource("/net/sf/clipsrules/jni/examples/animal/resources/animal_" + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() + ".clp"); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { if (Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().equals("en")) { throw fnfe; } else { clips.loadFromResource("/net/sf/clipsrules/jni/examples/animal/resources/animal_en.clp"); } } processRules(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } /*====================*/ /* Display the frame. */ /*====================*/ jfrm.setVisible(true); } /*******************/ /* handleResponse: */ /*******************/ private void handleResponse() throws Exception { /*===========================*/ /* Get the current UI state. */ /*===========================*/ FactAddressValue fv = clips.findFact("UI-state"); /*========================================*/ /* Determine the Next/Prev button states. */ /*========================================*/ if (fv.getSlotValue("state").toString().equals("conclusion")) { interviewState = InterviewState.CONCLUSION; nextButton.setActionCommand("Restart"); nextButton.setText(animalResources.getString("Restart")); prevButton.setVisible(true); choicesPanel.setVisible(false); } else if (fv.getSlotValue("state").toString().equals("greeting")) { interviewState = InterviewState.GREETING; nextButton.setActionCommand("Next"); nextButton.setText(animalResources.getString("Next")); prevButton.setVisible(false); choicesPanel.setVisible(false); } else { interviewState = InterviewState.INTERVIEW; nextButton.setActionCommand("Next"); nextButton.setText(animalResources.getString("Next")); prevButton.setVisible(true); choicesPanel.setVisible(true); } /*=====================*/ /* Set up the choices. */ /*=====================*/ choicesPanel.removeAll(); choicesButtons = new ButtonGroup(); MultifieldValue damf = (MultifieldValue) fv.getSlotValue("display-answers"); MultifieldValue vamf = (MultifieldValue) fv.getSlotValue("valid-answers"); String selected = fv.getSlotValue("response").toString(); JRadioButton firstButton = null; for (int i = 0; i < damf.size(); i++) { LexemeValue da = (LexemeValue) damf.get(i); LexemeValue va = (LexemeValue) vamf.get(i); JRadioButton rButton; String buttonName, buttonText, buttonAnswer; buttonName = da.getValue(); buttonText = buttonName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + buttonName.substring(1); buttonAnswer = va.getValue(); if (((lastAnswer != null) && buttonAnswer.equals(lastAnswer)) || ((lastAnswer == null) && buttonAnswer.equals(selected))) { rButton = new JRadioButton(buttonText,true); } else { rButton = new JRadioButton(buttonText,false); } rButton.setActionCommand(buttonAnswer); choicesPanel.add(rButton); choicesButtons.add(rButton); if (firstButton == null) { firstButton = rButton; } } if ((choicesButtons.getSelection() == null) && (firstButton != null)) { choicesButtons.setSelected(firstButton.getModel(),true); } choicesPanel.repaint(); /*====================================*/ /* Set the label to the display text. */ /*====================================*/ relationAsserted = ((LexemeValue) fv.getSlotValue("relation-asserted")).getValue(); /*====================================*/ /* Set the label to the display text. */ /*====================================*/ String theText = ((StringValue) fv.getSlotValue("display")).getValue(); wrapLabelText(displayLabel,theText); executionThread = null; isExecuting = false; } /*########################*/ /* ActionListener Methods */ /*########################*/ /*******************/ /* actionPerformed */ /*******************/ public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ae) { try { onActionPerformed(ae); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /*************/ /* runAnimal */ /*************/ public void runAnimal() { Runnable runThread = new Runnable() { public void run() { try {; } catch (CLIPSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { handleResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } }; isExecuting = true; executionThread = new Thread(runThread); executionThread.start(); } /****************/ /* processRules */ /****************/ private void processRules() throws CLIPSException { clips.reset(); for (String factString : variableAsserts) { String assertCommand = "(assert " + factString + ")"; clips.eval(assertCommand); } runAnimal(); } /********************/ /* nextButtonAction */ /********************/ private void nextButtonAction() throws CLIPSException { String theString; String theAnswer; lastAnswer = null; switch (interviewState) { /* Handle Next button. */ case GREETING: case INTERVIEW: theAnswer = choicesButtons.getSelection().getActionCommand(); theString = "(variable (name " + relationAsserted + ") (value " + theAnswer + "))"; variableAsserts.add(theString); priorAnswers.add(theAnswer); break; /* Handle Restart button. */ case CONCLUSION: variableAsserts.clear(); priorAnswers.clear(); break; } processRules(); } /********************/ /* prevButtonAction */ /********************/ private void prevButtonAction() throws CLIPSException { lastAnswer = priorAnswers.get(priorAnswers.size() - 1); variableAsserts.remove(variableAsserts.size() - 1); priorAnswers.remove(priorAnswers.size() - 1); processRules(); } /*********************/ /* onActionPerformed */ /*********************/ private void onActionPerformed( ActionEvent ae) throws Exception { if (isExecuting) return; if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Next")) { nextButtonAction(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Restart")) { nextButtonAction(); } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Prev")) { prevButtonAction(); } } /*****************/ /* wrapLabelText */ /*****************/ private void wrapLabelText( JLabel label, String text) { FontMetrics fm = label.getFontMetrics(label.getFont()); Container container = label.getParent(); int containerWidth = container.getWidth(); int textWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm,text); int desiredWidth; if (textWidth <= containerWidth) { desiredWidth = containerWidth; } else { int lines = (int) ((textWidth + containerWidth) / containerWidth); desiredWidth = (int) (textWidth / lines); } BreakIterator boundary = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(); boundary.setText(text); StringBuffer trial = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer real = new StringBuffer("
"); int start = boundary.first(); for (int end =; end != BreakIterator.DONE; start = end, end = { String word = text.substring(start,end); trial.append(word); int trialWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm,trial.toString()); if (trialWidth > containerWidth) { trial = new StringBuffer(word); real.append("
"); real.append(word); } else if (trialWidth > desiredWidth) { trial = new StringBuffer(""); real.append(word); real.append("
"); } else { real.append(word); } } real.append(""); label.setText(real.toString()); } public static void main(String args[]) { // Create the frame on the event dispatching thread. SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { new AnimalDemo(); } }); } }