TRUE CLIPS> (batch "drtest01.bat") TRUE CLIPS> (toss "a") ; DR0001 FALSE CLIPS> (toss a) ; DR0001 FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0003 CLIPS> (>= 1) ; DR0003 [ARGACCES1] Function '>=' expected at least 2 arguments. CLIPS> (defrule b (x ?y&:(>= 1)) =>) ; DR0003 [ARGACCES1] Function '>=' expected at least 2 arguments. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::b (x ?y&:(>= 1) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0006 CLIPS> (defrule x ; DR0006 (not (a ?x)) (not (b ?x)) =>) CLIPS> (str-cat (readline)) ; DR0011 a b "a b" CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0012 CLIPS> (defrule b ; DR0012 (not (z)) (test (> 0 1)) =>) CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0012 CLIPS> (reset) ; DR0012 CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0012 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0033 CLIPS> (=) ; DR0033 [ARGACCES1] Function '=' expected at least 2 arguments. CLIPS> (defrule b (x ?v) (test (=)) =>) ; DR0033 [ARGACCES1] Function '=' expected at least 2 arguments. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::b (x ?v) (test (=) CLIPS> (defrule c (x ?v) => (clear)) ; DR0033 CLIPS> (assert (x 9)) ; DR0033 CLIPS> (run) ; DR0033 [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0034 CLIPS> (bind ?b) ; DR0034 FALSE CLIPS> (defrule a (x ?b) => (bind ?b))) ; DR0034 CLIPS> (assert (x n)) ; DR0034 CLIPS> (run) ; DR0034 CLIPS> (close blah) ; DR0037 FALSE CLIPS> (deffacts a ()) ; DR0039 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for first field of a RHS pattern. ERROR: (deffacts MAIN::a () CLIPS> (assert ()) ; DR0039 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for first field of a RHS pattern. CLIPS> (system) ; DR0043 Should be non-zero if command processor available 1 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0047 CLIPS> (defrule a (= 5 7) =>) ; DR0047 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for the field field of a pattern. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::a (= CLIPS> (assert (= 5 7)) ; DR0047 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for first field of a RHS pattern. CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0047 CLIPS> (open "Temp//f1.tmp" name "w") ; DR0048 TRUE CLIPS> (open "Temp//f2.tmp" name "w") ; DR0048 [IOFUN2] Logical name 'name' already in use. FALSE CLIPS> (close name) ; DR0048 TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0051 CLIPS> (defrule a ; DR0051 (data $?a) => (format t "%s" ?a)) CLIPS> (assert (data a b c d)) ; DR0051 CLIPS> (run) ; DR0051 [ARGACCES2] Function 'format' expected argument #3 to be of type symbol or string. [PRCCODE4] Execution halted during the actions of defrule 'a'. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0052 CLIPS> (defrule one ; DR0052 (b ?x ?y&:(evenp ?value)|?y&:(oddp ?value) ?z) =>) [ANALYSIS4] Variable ?value found in the expression (evenp ?value) was referenced in CE #1 field #2 before being defined. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::one (b ?x ?y&:(evenp ?value)|?y&:(oddp ?value) ?z) =>) CLIPS> (assert (b 2 3 4)) ; DR0052 CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0052 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0053 CLIPS> (defrule rule1 (oven-type $?) =>) ; DR0053 CLIPS> (defrule rule2 ; DR0053 (oven-type ?ch&:(not (numberp ?ch))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule rule3 (oven-type ?) =>) ; DR0053 CLIPS> (assert (oven-type 1)) ; DR0053 CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0053 0 rule1: f-1 0 rule3: f-1 For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0054 CLIPS> (defrule test (a ?i) (b ?n&=?i) ; DR0054 =>) CLIPS> (assert (a 3) (b 3)) ; DR0054 CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0054 CLIPS> (oddp 3.1) ; DR0056 [ARGACCES2] Function 'oddp' expected argument #1 to be of type integer. CLIPS> (oddp 4.1) ; DR0056 [ARGACCES2] Function 'oddp' expected argument #1 to be of type integer. CLIPS> (evenp 3.1) ; DR0056 [ARGACCES2] Function 'evenp' expected argument #1 to be of type integer. CLIPS> (evenp 4.1) ; DR0056 [ARGACCES2] Function 'evenp' expected argument #1 to be of type integer. CLIPS> (integerp a) ; DR0058 FALSE CLIPS> (symbolp 3) ; DR0059 FALSE CLIPS> (symbolp x) ; DR0059 TRUE CLIPS> (symbolp "x") ; DR0059 FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0063 CLIPS> (defrule foo ; DR0063 (data foo $?x) => (printout t (nth$ 3 ?x) crlf)) ; DR0063 CLIPS> (assert (data foo a b here d)) ; DR0063 CLIPS> (run) ; DR0063 here CLIPS> (retract ?f) ; DR0067 [EVALUATN1] Variable ?f is unbound. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0068 CLIPS> (defrule foo =>) ; DR0068 CLIPS> (reset) ; DR0068 CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0068 0 foo: * For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (undefrule foo) ; DR0068 CLIPS> (agenda) ; DR0068 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0069 CLIPS> (defrule foo ?f (fact) =>) ; DR0069 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for binding patterns. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::foo ?f ( CLIPS> (defrule foo ?f <- fact) ; DR0069 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for binding patterns. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::foo ?f <- fact CLIPS> (deffacts info (fact 1) fact 2) ; DR0070 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for RHS patterns. ERROR: (deffacts MAIN::info (fact 1) fact CLIPS> (** 3 2) ; DR0074 9.0 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0075 CLIPS> (assert (a~b)) ; DR0075 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for RHS patterns. CLIPS> (facts) ; DR0075 CLIPS> (print-region t "f.f") ; DR0077 FALSE CLIPS> (printout q) ; DR0080 [ROUTER1] Logical name 'q' was not recognized by any routers. CLIPS> (eq) ; DR0082 [ARGACCES1] Function 'eq' expected at least 2 arguments. CLIPS> (neq) ; DR0082 [ARGACCES1] Function 'neq' expected at least 2 arguments. CLIPS> (neq 1 1 2) ; DR0082 FALSE CLIPS> (!= 1 1 2) ; DR0082 FALSE CLIPS> (and) ; DR0083 [ARGACCES1] Function 'and' expected at least 2 arguments. CLIPS> (or) ; DR0083 [ARGACCES1] Function 'or' expected at least 2 arguments. CLIPS> (not) ; DR0083 [ARGACCES1] Function 'not' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0087 CLIPS> (defrule a ; DR0087 (x $?y) => (assert (z ?y))) CLIPS> (assert (x q)) ; DR0087 CLIPS> (run) ; DR0087 CLIPS> (facts) ; DR0087 f-1 (x q) f-2 (z q) For a total of 2 facts. CLIPS> (subseq$ a 2 4) ; DR0090 [ARGACCES2] Function 'subseq$' expected argument #1 to be of type multifield. CLIPS> (sub-string) ; DR0092 [ARGACCES1] Function 'sub-string' expected exactly 3 arguments. CLIPS> (explode$ "a b c") ; DR0093 (a b c) CLIPS> (length$ (explode$ "a b c")) ; DR0093 3 CLIPS> (tan 0) ; DR0096 0.0 CLIPS> (sec 0) ; DR0096 1.0 CLIPS> (/ 1 0) ; DR0097 [PRNTUTIL7] Attempt to divide by zero in '/' function. 1.0 CLIPS> (/ 1.0 0.0) ; DR0097 [PRNTUTIL7] Attempt to divide by zero in '/' function. 1.0 CLIPS> (** 0 0) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (** 0 -.5) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (** -2 .5) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (** 0.0 0.0) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (** 0.0 -.5) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (** -2.0 .5) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (** -3 2) ; DR0098 9.0 CLIPS> (** -3 2.2) ; DR0098 [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for '**' function. 0.0 CLIPS> (dribble-off)