TRUE CLIPS> (batch "drtest04.bat") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (assert (clock =(create$ a))) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (assert (clock =(create$ a))) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (assert (clock =(create$ a))) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0301 CLIPS> (watch compile) ; DR0303 [ARGACCES2] Function 'watch' expected argument #1 to be of type watchable symbol. CLIPS> (subseq$) ; DR0305 [ARGACCES1] Function 'subseq$' expected exactly 3 arguments. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0336 CLIPS> (deffacts initial (bounds nil)) ; DR0336 CLIPS> (defrule Print ; DR0336 (bounds ?type&:(or (eq ?type Cube) (eq ?type Square))) =>) CLIPS> (reset) ; DR0336 CLIPS> (run) ; DR0336 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0363 CLIPS> (deftemplate a ; DR0363 (field one (default a a a))) ; DR0363 [DEFAULT1] The default value for a single field slot must be a single field value. ERROR: (deftemplate MAIN::a (field one (default a a a) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0365 CLIPS> (deftemplate bar ; DR0365 (field a) (multifield b)) CLIPS> (reset) ; DR0365 CLIPS> (assert (bar (b x y z) (a w))) ; DR0365 CLIPS> (assert (bar (a g) (b =(create$ h i j)))) CLIPS> (facts) ; DR0365 f-1 (bar (a w) (b x y z)) f-2 (bar (a g) (b h i j)) For a total of 2 facts. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0380 CLIPS> (if (= 2 2) ; DR0380 then (eval (str-cat (run)))) ; DR0380 [ARGACCES2] Function 'str-cat' expected argument #1 to be of type integer, float, symbol, string, or instance name. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0381 CLIPS> (deftemplate a ; DR0381 (field one (max-number-of-elements 9) (min-number-of-elements 3))) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for slot attributes. ERROR: (deftemplate MAIN::a (field one (max-number-of-elements CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0382 CLIPS> (deftemplate a ; DR0382 (field one (default nothing))) ; DR0382 CLIPS> (assert (a (one a a a a))) ; DR0382 [TMPLTDEF2] The single field slot 'one' can only contain a single field value. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0383 CLIPS> (deftemplate data (field one) (field two)) CLIPS> (assert (data (one))) ; DR0383 [TMPLTDEF2] The single field slot 'one' can only contain a single field value. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0396 CLIPS> (create$) ; DR0396 () CLIPS> (str-compare (str-cat (create$)) (str-cat (create$))) [ARGACCES2] Function 'str-cat' expected argument #1 to be of type integer, float, symbol, string, or instance name. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0397 CLIPS> (assert-string (str-cat " (" (bind ?var (read)) ")")) anything CLIPS> (facts) ; DR0397 f-1 (anything) For a total of 1 fact. CLIPS> (dribble-off)