TRUE CLIPS> (batch "drtest08.bat") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ;; DR0705 CLIPS> (= 5 (read)) Whatever [ARGACCES2] Function '=' expected argument #2 to be of type integer or float. FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ;; DR0707 CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete) (slot foo (create-accessor read-write))) CLIPS> (make-instance a of A (foo "\"This is a string\"")) [a] CLIPS> (send [a] print) [a] of A (foo ""This is a string"") CLIPS> (save-instances "Temp//bogus.tmp") 1 CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (instances) CLIPS> (load-instances "Temp//bogus.tmp") 1 CLIPS> (send [a] print) [a] of A (foo ""This is a string"") CLIPS> (clear) ;; DR0713 CLIPS> (defclass TEST (is-a USER) (role concrete) (slot item (create-accessor write))) CLIPS> (make-instance a of TEST) [a] CLIPS> (message-modify-instance [a] (item 3)) TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0724 CLIPS> [x] [x] CLIPS> (clear) ; DRO725 CLIPS> (defrule should-be-ok (message $?first) (test (length$ ?first)) (translation $?first) =>) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0726 CLIPS> (defrule bar (not (and (c ?x) (d ?y&:(> ?y 3)))) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (assert (c 1) (d a)) ; should not hang [ARGACCES2] Function '>' expected argument #1 to be of type integer or float. [FACTMCH1] This error occurred in the fact pattern network. Currently active fact: (d a) Problem resides in field #1 Of pattern #2 in rule bar FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0727 CLIPS> (defrule foo (not (and (a) (b) (c))) (d ?x&:(> ?x 3)) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (assert (d a)) ; Error should be for pattern 5 [ARGACCES2] Function '>' expected argument #1 to be of type integer or float. [FACTMCH1] This error occurred in the fact pattern network. Currently active fact: (d a) Problem resides in field #1 Of pattern #4 in rule foo CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0728 CLIPS> (deftemplate attempt (multifield numbers (default 7 7 3 3)) (multifield rpn)) CLIPS> (deffacts initial-info (attempt) (operator *) (operator /) (operator -) (operator +)) CLIPS> (defrule do-first ?f <- (attempt (numbers $?b ?n1 $?m ?n2 $?e) (rpn)) (operator ?o) => (duplicate ?f (numbers ?b ?m ?e) (rpn ?n1 ?n2 ?o))) CLIPS> (defrule do-next ?f <- (attempt (numbers $?b ?n $?e) (rpn ?f $?rest)) (operator ?o) => (duplicate ?f (numbers ?b ?e) (rpn ?f ?rest ?n ?o))) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run) ; should not hang or crash CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0729 CLIPS> (get-salience-evaluation) when-defined CLIPS> (set-salience-evaluation every-cycle) ; should return when-defined when-defined CLIPS> (set-salience-evaluation when-defined) ; should return every-cycle every-cycle CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0730 CLIPS> (get-salience-evaluation) when-defined CLIPS> (defmodule A) CLIPS> (refresh-agenda *) CLIPS> (get-salience-evaluation) ; should be when-defined when-defined CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0731 CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (defrule zoiks =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (watch rules) CLIPS> (defrule zoiks =>) ; activation should not be printed CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0734 CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN (export ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defglobal MAIN ?*proximity* = 9) CLIPS> (defmodule SCORE (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defrule SCORE::should-be-ok (attempt1) (test (<= 3 ?*proximity*)) =>) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0736 CLIPS> (deftemplate where (multislot x (type SYMBOL))) CLIPS> (defrule yak ; This should be OK (where (x $?pds&:(member$ x ?pds))) =>) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defrule foo ; This should fail (bbb ?x&:(member$ a ?x)) =>) [RULECSTR2] Previous variable bindings of ?x caused the type restrictions for argument #2 of the expression (member$ a ?x) found in CE #1 field #1 to be violated. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::foo (bbb ?x&:(member$ a ?x)) =>) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (deftemplate this (slot x) (slot y (type INTEGER)) (multislot z (type STRING))) CLIPS> (defrule this-1 ; This should fail (this (x ?x)) => (member$ a ?x)) [RULECSTR3] Previous variable bindings of ?x caused the type restrictions for argument #2 of the expression (member$ a ?x) found in the rule's RHS to be violated. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::this-1 (this (x ?x)) => (member$ a ?x)) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0737 CLIPS> (defrule fd-1 ; This should be ok (a) (not (and (b) (or (c) (d)))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule fd-2 ; this should be ok (a) (exists (b) (or (and (c)) (d))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule fd-3 ; this should be ok (a) (not (and (b) (or (and (c) (e)) (d)))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule fd-4 ; this should be ok (a) (exists (b) (or (c) (d))) =>) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defrule foo-1 (not (or (a) (b))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule foo-2 (not (not (or (a) (b)))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule foo-3 (not (and (not (a)) (not (b)))) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 foo-1: *,* For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (assert (a)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 foo-2: * 0 foo-3: * For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (assert (b)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 foo-2: * 0 foo-3: * For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0738 CLIPS> (deffacts f1 (s 1) (s 2) (s 3) (c) (a 1)) CLIPS> (defrule r1 ; SHOULD activate, but doesn't (s 1) (exists (or (and (a ?x) (d) (test (> 16 10))) (and (a ?x) (c)))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule r2 ; SHOULD activate, but doesn't (s 2) (not (and (not (and (a ?x) (d) (test (> 16 10)))) (not (and (a ?x) (c))))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule r3 ; SHOULD NOT activate, but does (s 3) (not (and (a ?x) (d) (test (> 16 10)))) (not (and (a ?x) (c))) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 r1: f-1,* 0 r2: f-2,* For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0740 CLIPS> (deffunction bug (?list ?a ?b) (while TRUE (return (subseq$ ?list ?a ?b)))) CLIPS> (bug (create$ a b c) 1 2) ; Should return (a b) (a b) CLIPS> (deffunction bug (?list ?a ?b) (loop-for-count 1 (return (subseq$ ?list ?a ?b)))) CLIPS> (bug (create$ a b c) 1 2) ; Should return (a b) (a b) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0742 - should have no error CLIPS> (deftemplate TREATMENT (multislot values (type INTEGER) (range 0 19) (cardinality 0 20))) CLIPS> (assert (TREATMENT (values (create$)))) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0743 - should have no error CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x* = 3) CLIPS> (bsave "Temp//mytest.bin") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (watch all) CLIPS> (bload "Temp//mytest.bin") <== Focus MAIN :== ?*x* ==> 3 <== TRUE CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0745 CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete) (pattern-match reactive) (slot x (create-accessor write)) (slot y (create-accessor write))) CLIPS> (defrule bug (object (is-a A) (y 100) (x 100)) =>) CLIPS> (agenda) ; should be no activations CLIPS> (make-instance a of A) [a] CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (object-pattern-match-delay ; should have only one activation arrow (send [a] put-y 100) (send [a] put-x 100)) ==> Activation 0 bug: [a] 100 CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0747 CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (slot foo (type INSTANCE-NAME))) CLIPS> (slot-types A foo) ; Should be just instance-name (INSTANCE-NAME) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0748 - Should have no error from print message CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN (export ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defclass TEST (is-a USER) (role concrete)) CLIPS> (defmodule TEST (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (make-instance test of TEST) [test] CLIPS> (do-for-instance ((?t TEST)) TRUE (send ?t print)) [test] of TEST CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0749 CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (slot foo (access read-only) (create-accessor ?NONE))) CLIPS> (slot-facets A foo) ; facet should be SHR and not LCL (SGL STC INH R SHR RCT EXC PRV NIL NIL) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0750 - Should not crash CLIPS> (defclass FOO (is-a USER) (slot x)) CLIPS> (slot-cardinality FOO x) () CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0752 - Should return "a" CLIPS> (deffunction y () (progn$ (?x (create$ "a" "b" "c")) (return ?x)) (return "hello")) CLIPS> (y) "a" CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0753 CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN (export ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defrule MAIN::foo => (assert (a)) (focus B) (return)) CLIPS> (defrule MAIN::bar (a) => (focus B) (return)) CLIPS> (defmodule B (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defrule B::yak =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run 1) CLIPS> (list-focus-stack) ; Just B should be on stack B CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (focus MAIN B) TRUE CLIPS> (list-focus-stack) ; Should be MAIN B MAIN MAIN B MAIN CLIPS> (run 1) CLIPS> (list-focus-stack) ; Should be B B MAIN B B MAIN CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0754 CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete) (pattern-match reactive) (slot foo (create-accessor read-write))) CLIPS> (defclass B (is-a A) (pattern-match non-reactive)) CLIPS> (defrule foo (i-f) (test (send [b] put-foo blah)) =>) CLIPS> (make-instance b of B) [b] CLIPS> (assert (i-f)) ; Should not generate error CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0756 - Should not crash CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete)) CLIPS> (make-instance a of A) [a] CLIPS> (any-instancep ((?long-var A)) ?long-var:) [EVALUATN1] Variable ?long-var: is unbound. FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0757 - Error ID should be [INSMNGR11] CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete)) CLIPS> (make-instance BOGUS::A of A) [INSMNGR11] Invalid module specifier in new instance name. FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0758 CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete)) CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x* = (assert (foo)) ?*y* = (make-instance [a] of A)) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (facts) f-1 (foo) For a total of 1 fact. CLIPS> (instances) [a] of A For a total of 1 instance. CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0759 CLIPS> (deftemplate A (slot foo (type INTEGER) (allowed-instance-names [a]))) [CSTRNPSR1] The 'type' attribute conflicts with the 'allowed-instance-names' attribute. ERROR: (deftemplate MAIN::A (slot foo (type INTEGER) (allowed-instance-names [a])) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0763 CLIPS> (deffunction bug (?state) (switch ?state (case instance then TRUE) (case logical then TRUE) (default (return error)))) CLIPS> (bsave "Temp//foo.bin") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0765 CLIPS> (deftemplate bar (slot foo (type INTEGER) (allowed-values abc def))) [CSTRNPSR1] The 'type' attribute conflicts with the 'allowed-values' attribute. ERROR: (deftemplate MAIN::bar (slot foo (type INTEGER) (allowed-values abc def)) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0766 CLIPS> (deftemplate temp (multislot foofoo (type INTEGER LEXEME)) (slot after-foo (type STRING))) CLIPS> (set-dynamic-constraint-checking TRUE) FALSE CLIPS> (assert (temp (foofoo 11))) CLIPS> (deftemplate temp2 (multislot foofoo (type INTEGER LEXEME))) CLIPS> (assert (temp2 (foofoo (progn 3.4)))) [CSTRNCHK1] Slot value (3.4) found in fact f-2 does not match the allowed types for slot 'foofoo'. CLIPS> (set-dynamic-constraint-checking FALSE) TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0770 CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete) (pattern-match reactive) (multislot foo (default x))) CLIPS> (defrule bomb (object (foo $? x $?)) (object (foo $? ? $?)) =>) CLIPS> (make-instance a of A) [a] CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0778 CLIPS> (deffacts example (a b c d e d c b a a a a a a a a a a a a)) CLIPS> (defrule foo (a ?x $?y d $?z ?x) => (printout t "x = " ?x " y = " ?y " z = " ?z crlf)) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (agenda) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0782 CLIPS> (set-strategy breadth) depth CLIPS> (set-strategy depth) breadth CLIPS> (deftemplate t1 ; DR0783 (field code) (field a)) CLIPS> (deftemplate t2 (field code) (field a)) CLIPS> (deftemplate t1 (field code) (field a)) CLIPS> (deftemplate t2 (field code) (field b)) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defclass fifty (is-a USER) (role concrete) (pattern-match reactive) (slot s1 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s2 (type INTEGER)) (slot s3 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s4 (type INTEGER)) (slot s5 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s6 (type INTEGER)) (slot s7 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s8 (type INTEGER)) (slot s9 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s10 (type INTEGER)) (slot s11 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s12 (type INTEGER)) (slot s13 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s14 (type INTEGER)) (slot s15 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s16 (type INTEGER)) (slot s17 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s18 (type INTEGER)) (slot s19 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s20 (type INTEGER)) (slot s21 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s22 (type INTEGER)) (slot s23 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s24 (type INTEGER)) (slot s25 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s26 (type INTEGER)) (slot s27 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s28 (type INTEGER)) (slot s29 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s30 (type INTEGER)) (slot s31 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s32 (type INTEGER)) (slot s33 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s34 (type INTEGER)) (slot s35 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s36 (type INTEGER)) (slot s37 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s38 (type INTEGER)) (slot s39 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s40 (type INTEGER)) (slot s41 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s42 (type INTEGER)) (slot s43 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s44 (type INTEGER)) (slot s45 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s46 (type INTEGER)) (slot s47 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s48 (type INTEGER)) (slot s49 (type SYMBOL)) (slot s50 (type INTEGER))) CLIPS> (deffunction f(?limit ?class) (reset) (loop-for-count (?i 1 ?limit) (bind ?t (time)) (loop-for-count (?j 1 500) (make-instance of ?class)) (printout t ?i crlf))) CLIPS> (f 3 fifty) 1 2 3 FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0784 CLIPS> (defrule testing ?f1<-(orders $?first&:(> (length$ ?first) 0)) ?f2<-(orders $?others&:(subsetp ?first ?others)) =>) CLIPS> (defrule testing (orders $?first&:(implode$ ?first) :(implode$ ?first)) =>) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0785 CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x* = 0) CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN (export ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defmodule FOO (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defclass FOO (is-a USER) (role concrete)) CLIPS> (bind ?*x* (instance-address (make-instance foo of FOO))) CLIPS> (focus MAIN) TRUE CLIPS> (send [FOO::foo] print) [foo] of FOO::FOO CLIPS> (send ?*x* print) [foo] of FOO::FOO CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0786 CLIPS> (deftemplate nanu (slot a (type INTEGER)) (slot b (type FLOAT))) CLIPS> (assert (nanu)) CLIPS> (modify 1 (c 4)) [TMPLTDEF1] Invalid slot 'c' not defined in corresponding deftemplate 'nanu'. FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0788 CLIPS> (defrule r1 (or (P1 p1) (P2 p2)) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (bsave "Temp//r1.bin") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (bload "Temp//r1.bin") TRUE CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (watch all) CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0789 CLIPS> (deffacts MAIN:: the-suit-list) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for construct name. ERROR: (deffacts MAIN:: CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0790 CLIPS> (defrule init => (assert (p 1))) CLIPS> (defrule crash (p ?X) (not (test (eq ?X 1))) (p ?Y) (not (and (test (neq ?Y 20))(test (neq ?Y 30)))) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0791 CLIPS> (defrule autorule2_B2 (or (foo ?st_B1) (bpc-newdata)) => ?st_B1) [PRCCODE3] Undefined variable ?st_B1 referenced in RHS of defrule. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::autorule2_B2 (or (foo ?st_B1) (bpc-newdata)) => ?st_B1) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0793 CLIPS> (load bug793.clp) ###!! TRUE CLIPS> (BEeditInit streamout) TRUE CLIPS> (BECPMIn bug793.ins) 24 CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0795 CLIPS> (defrule rule-1 (blah $?y) => (progn$ (?x ?y) (printout t ?x))) CLIPS> (ppdefrule rule-1) (defrule MAIN::rule-1 (blah $?y) => (progn$ (?x ?y) (printout t ?x))) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0798 CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (assert (a)) CLIPS> (assert (b)) CLIPS> (defrule t1 (b) (a) =>) CLIPS> (defrule t2 (a) (or (b) (b)) =>) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 t2: f-1,f-2 0 t2: f-1,f-2 0 t1: f-2,f-1 For a total of 3 activations. CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (dribble-off)