TRUE CLIPS> (batch "drtest10.bat") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory Leak #1 CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1697966 ;; Can be different CLIPS> (defclass SOURCE (is-a USER)) CLIPS> (deffunction foo() (do-for-all-instances ((?x SOURCE)) TRUE (bind ?y 0) (bogus))) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'bogus'. [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for instance-set query function. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::foo () (do-for-all-instances ((?x SOURCE)) TRUE (bind ?y 0) ( CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory Leak #2 CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1698150 ;; Reference mem-used number CLIPS> (defclass SOURCE (is-a USER)) CLIPS> (deffunction foo() (do-for-all-instances ((?x SOURCE)) (progn (bind ?y 3) (bogus) TRUE) (+ 3 4))) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'bogus'. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::foo () (do-for-all-instances ((?x SOURCE)) (progn (bind ?y 3) ( CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory Leak #3 CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1698150 ;; Should be the same as above CLIPS> (deftemplate SOURCE) CLIPS> (deffunction foo() (do-for-all-facts ((?x SOURCE)) TRUE (bind ?y 0) (bogus))) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'bogus'. [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for fact-set query function. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::foo () (do-for-all-facts ((?x SOURCE)) TRUE (bind ?y 0) ( CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory Leak #41 CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1698150 ;; Should be the same as above CLIPS> (deftemplate SOURCE) CLIPS> (deffunction foo() (do-for-all-facts ((?x SOURCE)) (progn (bind ?y 3) (bogus) TRUE) (+ 3 4))) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'bogus'. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::foo () (do-for-all-facts ((?x SOURCE)) (progn (bind ?y 3) ( CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory Leak #5 CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1698150 ;; Should be the same as above CLIPS> (defclass FOO (is-a USER) (slot value1)) CLIPS> (deffunction foo () (make-instance of FOO (value1 (bogus)))) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'bogus'. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::foo () (make-instance of FOO (value1 (bogus CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory Leak #6 CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1698150 ;; Should be the same as above CLIPS> (deftemplate FOO (slot value1 (type SYMBOL))) CLIPS> (defrule foo (FOO (value1 ?x)) => (+ ?x 1) (printout t ?x)) [RULECSTR3] Previous variable bindings of ?x caused the type restrictions for argument #1 of the expression (+ ?x 1) found in the rule's RHS to be violated. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::foo (FOO (value1 ?x)) => (+ ?x 1) (printout t ?x)) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (progn (release-mem) TRUE) TRUE CLIPS> (mem-used) 1698150 ;; Should be the same as above CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (deftemplate nar (slot bc)) CLIPS> (defrule migrant (test (eq 1 1)) (nar (bc ?bc)) => (printout t ?bc crlf)) CLIPS> (deffacts stuff (nar (bc "US"))) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run) US CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Bug #12 CLIPS> (defclass Test (is-a USER) (multislot Contents)) CLIPS> (make-instance of Test (Contents a b c d e f g h)) [gen508] CLIPS> (defrule BrokenPatternMatchBehavior-Object (object (is-a Test) (Contents $?first ?second ?third $?fourth ?fifth)) => (printout t ?first " " ?second " " ?third " " ?fourth " " ?fifth crlf)) CLIPS> (run) (a b c d e) f g () h (a b c d) e f (g) h (a b c) d e (f g) h (a b) c d (e f g) h (a) b c (d e f g) h () a b (c d e f g) h CLIPS> (clear) ;; CLIPSESG Bug CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete) (slot foo) (slot bar)) CLIPS> (make-instance a of A) [a] CLIPS> (watch all) CLIPS> (modify-instance a (foo 0)) MSG >> direct-modify ED:1 ( ) ;; Reference Pointer HND >> direct-modify primary in class USER ED:1 ( ) ;; Should be the same as above ::= local slot foo in instance a <- 0 HND << direct-modify primary in class USER ED:1 ( ) ;; Should be the same as above MSG << direct-modify ED:1 ( (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ;; CLIPSESG Bug CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (role concrete) (slot one (type STRING)) (slot two (type SYMBOL) (allowed-values TRUE FALSE) (default TRUE))) CLIPS> (definstances TEST (a1 of A) (a2 of A) (a3 of A)) CLIPS> (defrule rule1 ?obj <- (object (is-a A) (name [a1])) => (message-modify-instance ?obj (one "a") (two FALSE)) (send ?obj print)) CLIPS> (defrule rule2 ?obj <- (object (is-a A) (name [a2])) => (message-modify-instance ?obj (two FALSE) (one "a")) (send ?obj print)) CLIPS> (defrule rule3 ?obj <- (object (is-a A) (name [a3])) => (modify-instance ?obj (two FALSE) (one "a")) (send ?obj print)) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run) [a3] of A (one "a") (two FALSE) [a2] of A (one "a") (two FALSE) [a1] of A (one "a") (two FALSE) CLIPS> (clear) ;; CLIPSESG Crash Bug CLIPS> (defrule bug (dummy) (foo ?x) (not (and (huge ?x) (not (and (test (eq ?x 1)) (bar ?x))))) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (assert (bar 1)) CLIPS> (assert (huge 1)) CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Bug CLIPS> (defclass FOO (is-a USER) (slot _foo (default ?NONE))) CLIPS> (make-instance foo1 of FOO) [INSMNGR14] Override required for slot '_foo' in instance [foo1]. [PRCCODE4] Execution halted during the actions of message-handler 'init' primary in class 'USER' [INSMNGR8] An error occurred during the initialization of instance [foo1]. FALSE CLIPS> (make-instance foo2 of FOO (_foo)) [INSMNGR14] Override required for slot '_foo' in instance [foo2]. [PRCCODE4] Execution halted during the actions of message-handler 'put-_foo' primary in class 'FOO' FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Assert/Clear Bug CLIPS> (defrule foo (a ?x&:(progn (clear) TRUE)) =>) CLIPS> (assert (a 1)) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (send [initial-object] delete) [MSGPASS2] No such instance [initial-object] in function 'send'. FALSE CLIPS> (assert (a 2)) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (assert (a (clear))) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (deffacts FOO (foo bar) (foo (clear))) CLIPS> (reset) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (assert-string "(a (clear))") [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (deftemplate foo (multislot x)) CLIPS> (assert (foo (x (clear) 1))) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (facts) f-1 (foo (x 1)) For a total of 1 fact. CLIPS> (modify 1 (x (clear) 2)) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (facts) f-1 (foo (x 2)) For a total of 1 fact. CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Bug CLIPS> (defmodule FOO (export ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defclass FOO::DUMMY (is-a USER) (slot foo)) CLIPS> (defmodule BAR (import FOO ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defclass BAR::BAR (is-a USER) (slot bar (allowed-classes DUMMY))) CLIPS> (set-dynamic-constraint-checking TRUE) FALSE CLIPS> (make-instance b of BAR (bar (make-instance f of DUMMY))) [b] CLIPS> (set-dynamic-constraint-checking FALSE) TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ; CLIPSESG Bug CLIPS> (deffunction generate (?a ?c) (str-cat ?a ?c)) CLIPS> (deffunction gm1 () (progn$ (?ctype (create$ aaa)) (generate 2 ?ctype))) CLIPS> (deffunction gm2 () (bind ?ctype aaa) (generate 2 ?ctype)) CLIPS> (gm1) "2aaa" CLIPS> (gm2) "2aaa" CLIPS> (clear) ; Dangling constructs CLIPS> (progn (clear) (build "(defrule foo (count) =>)") (assert (count))) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (deftemplate blah (slot x)) CLIPS> (progn (clear) (assert (blah (x 1)))) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. CLIPS> (defclass BLAH (is-a USER) (slot x)) CLIPS> (progn (clear) (make-instance of BLAH (x 1))) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. [gen509] CLIPS> (deffunction yabbo () (printout t "Hello, world!" crlf)) CLIPS> (progn (clear) (yabbo)) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. Hello, world! CLIPS> (defmethod blah ((?x STRING)) (printout t ?x crlf)) CLIPS> (progn (clear) (blah "Hello, world!")) [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. Hello, world! CLIPS> (clear) ; Sourceforge bug CLIPS> (funcall str-cat) [ARGACCES1] Function 'str-cat' expected at least 1 argument. FALSE CLIPS> (deffunction bar1 (?func) (bind $?a (create$)) (funcall ?func (expand$ $?a))) CLIPS> (bar1 "str-cat") [ARGACCES1] Function 'str-cat' expected at least 1 argument. FALSE CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defclass BOO (is-a USER) (multislot foo (cardinality -1 0))) [CSTRNPSR6] Minimum 'cardinality' value must be greater than or equal to zero. ERROR: (defclass MAIN::BOO (is-a USER) (multislot foo (cardinality -1 CLIPS> (defclass BOO (is-a USER) (multislot foo (cardinality 0 -3))) [CSTRNPSR2] Minimum 'cardinality' value must be less than or equal to the maximum 'cardinality' value. ERROR: (defclass MAIN::BOO (is-a USER) (multislot foo (cardinality 0 -3) CLIPS> (clear) ; Continuous operation issue CLIPS> (defglobal ?*num* = 37) CLIPS> (defglobal ?*val* = FALSE) CLIPS> (deffunction get-number () (bind ?*num* (+ ?*num* 1))) CLIPS> (deffunction muck () (bind ?*val* (create$ (get-number) (get-number)))) CLIPS> (deffacts startup (muck-around)) CLIPS> (defrule muck-around ?f0 <- (muck-around) => (retract ?f0) (muck) (assert (muck-around))) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run 1) CLIPS> ?*val* (38 39) CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Crash Bug CLIPS> (deftemplate table (slot table-id (type INTEGER))) CLIPS> (deftemplate modeler-instance (slot class (type SYMBOL) (default ?NONE)) (slot id (type SYMBOL) (default ?NONE))) CLIPS> (deftemplate table-modeler-binding (slot modeler (type SYMBOL)) (slot table-id)) CLIPS> (deffacts start (table (table-id 100002)) (table (table-id 100003)) (modeler-instance (class TIME-PROFILER) (id gen4)) (table-modeler-binding (modeler gen4) (table-id 100003)) (modeler-instance (class TIME-PROFILER) (id gen6)) (table-modeler-binding (modeler gen6) (table-id 100002))) CLIPS> (defrule mark (modeler-instance (id ?m1)) (modeler-instance (id ?m2&~?m1)) (not (and (table-modeler-binding (modeler ?m1) (table-id ?t1)) (table-modeler-binding (modeler ?m2) (table-id ?t2&~?t1)) (table (table-id ?t1)) (table (table-id ?t2)))) (not (and (table-modeler-binding (modeler ?m2) (table-id ?t3)) (table-modeler-binding (modeler ?m1) (table-id ?t4&~?t3)) (table (table-id ?t4)))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule remove =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (matches mark) Matches for Pattern 1 f-3 f-5 Matches for Pattern 2 f-3 f-5 Matches for Pattern 3 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 4 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 5 f-1 f-2 Matches for Pattern 6 f-1 f-2 Matches for Pattern 7 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 8 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 9 f-1 f-2 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 2 f-3,f-5 f-5,f-3 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 3 f-5,f-3,f-6 f-3,f-5,f-4 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 4 f-5,f-3,f-6,f-4 f-3,f-5,f-4,f-6 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 5 f-3,f-5,f-4,f-6,f-2 f-5,f-3,f-6,f-4,f-1 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 6 f-5,f-3,f-6,f-4,f-1,f-2 f-3,f-5,f-4,f-6,f-2,f-1 Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) - 5 (P8) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) - 6 (P9) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7 - P9) None Activations None (18 10 0) CLIPS> (retract 2) CLIPS> (matches mark) Matches for Pattern 1 f-3 f-5 Matches for Pattern 2 f-3 f-5 Matches for Pattern 3 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 4 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 5 f-1 Matches for Pattern 6 f-1 Matches for Pattern 7 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 8 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 9 f-1 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 2 f-3,f-5 f-5,f-3 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 3 f-5,f-3,f-6 f-3,f-5,f-4 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 4 f-5,f-3,f-6,f-4 f-3,f-5,f-4,f-6 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 5 f-5,f-3,f-6,f-4,f-1 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 6 None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) f-5,f-3,* f-3,f-5,* Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) f-3,f-5,*,f-6 f-5,f-3,*,f-4 Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) - 5 (P8) f-5,f-3,*,f-4,f-6 f-3,f-5,*,f-6,f-4 Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) - 6 (P9) f-5,f-3,*,f-4,f-6,f-1 Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7 - P9) f-3,f-5,*,* Activations f-3,f-5,*,* (15 15 1) CLIPS> (retract 3) CLIPS> (matches mark) Matches for Pattern 1 f-5 Matches for Pattern 2 f-5 Matches for Pattern 3 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 4 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 5 f-1 Matches for Pattern 6 f-1 Matches for Pattern 7 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 8 f-4 f-6 Matches for Pattern 9 f-1 Partial matches for CEs 1 - 2 None Partial matches for CEs 1 - 3 None Partial matches for CEs 1 - 4 None Partial matches for CEs 1 - 5 None Partial matches for CEs 1 - 6 None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) - 5 (P8) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7) - 6 (P9) None Partial matches for CEs 1 (P1) - 2 (P2) , 3 (P3 - P6) , 4 (P7 - P9) None Activations None (13 0 0) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR #882 CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (defrule if (not (and (not (and (A) (B))) (C))) (not (and (SAD ?v) (SAD ?v))) =>) ==> Activation 0 if: *,* CLIPS> (assert (SAD 2)) <== Activation 0 if: *,* CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defrule if (and (exists (SAD T ?tx1 T01 ?t01) (SAD T ?tx1 T02 ?t02) (or (test (not (not (str-index "ABCD" ?t01)))) (test (not (not (str-index "ABCD" ?t02)))))) (exists (SAD G ?gx1 G02N ?g02n) (and (test (eq (str-index "9900" ?g02n) 1)) (exists (SAD T ?tx2 T08 ?t08) (SAD G ?gx1 G01 ?g01) (or (test (<= ?t08 0)) (test (= ?t08 ?g01))))))) =>) CLIPS> (assert (SAD G 2 G01 2)) CLIPS> (assert (SAD G 2 G02N "99009000")) CLIPS> (assert (SAD T 3 T01 "ABCD XYX")) CLIPS> (assert (SAD T 3 T02 "XYZ CDE")) CLIPS> (assert (SAD T 3 T08 2)) ==> Activation 0 if: *,* CLIPS> (unwatch activations) CLIPS> (clear) ; Matches issue CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN (export ?ALL)) CLIPS> (deffacts start (a) (b) (c)) CLIPS> (defmodule A (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defrule A::foo (a) =>) CLIPS> (defmodule B (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defrule B::foo (b) =>) CLIPS> (defmodule C (import MAIN ?ALL)) CLIPS> (defrule C::foo (c) =>) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (matches A::foo) Matches for Pattern 1 f-1 Activations f-1 (1 0 1) CLIPS> (matches B::foo) Matches for Pattern 1 f-2 Activations f-2 (1 0 1) CLIPS> (matches C::foo) Matches for Pattern 1 f-3 Activations f-3 (1 0 1) CLIPS> (set-current-module MAIN) MAIN CLIPS> (matches A::foo) Matches for Pattern 1 f-1 Activations f-1 (1 0 1) CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Bug CLIPS> (defrule bug (A) (B ?cot) (not (and (X) (C ?cot))) (not (and (D ?cot) (not (Z)))) =>) CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (assert (B R)) CLIPS> (assert (B C)) CLIPS> (assert (D C)) CLIPS> (assert (A))) ==> Activation 0 bug: f-4,f-1,*,* CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-4,f-1,*,* For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (unwatch activations) CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Bug CLIPS> (deftemplate C (slot x)) CLIPS> (deftemplate D (slot x)) CLIPS> (defrule if "" (not (and (not (not (and (not (and (W) (X))) (not (and (Y) (Z))) ) ) ) (C (x ?ix_t)) (D (x ?ix_t)) ) ) =>) CLIPS> (assert (C (x 1))) CLIPS> (clear) ; Memory leak CLIPS> (deftemplate TAG (multislot attributes))) CLIPS> (assert (TAG)) CLIPS> (modify 1 (attributes (create$))) CLIPS> (clear) ; Load Crash CLIPS> (defrule bug (X ?a) (Y ?b) (not (and (not (and (A ?a) (B ?b))) (test (eq ?a ?b)))) (Z) =>) CLIPS> (assert (Z)) CLIPS> (agenda) CLIPS> (assert (X 1)) CLIPS> (agenda) CLIPS> (assert (Y 2)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (assert (X 2)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (assert (Y 1)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-4,f-5,*,f-1 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (assert (A 1)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-4,f-5,*,f-1 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (assert (B 2)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-4,f-5,*,f-1 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 2 activations. CLIPS> (assert (A 2)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-4,f-3,*,f-1 0 bug: f-4,f-5,*,f-1 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 3 activations. CLIPS> (assert (B 1)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 bug: f-2,f-5,*,f-1 0 bug: f-4,f-3,*,f-1 0 bug: f-4,f-5,*,f-1 0 bug: f-2,f-3,*,f-1 For a total of 4 activations. CLIPS> (clear) ; Load Crash CLIPS> (defrule bug (Surname ?surname_1) (PersonSurname ?PersonSurname_1) (exists (or (and (exists (Surname ?Surname_2) (LVAR two ?two) (test (eq ?Surname_2 ?two))) (test (eq ?surname_1 ?PersonSurname_1))) (and (exists (Surname ?Surname_3) (LVAR three ?three) (test (eq ?Surname_3 ?three)))))) =>) CLIPS> (clear) ; DR0882 CLIPS> (defrule foo (logical (test (> 4 3)) (a)) => (assert (b))) CLIPS> (watch facts) CLIPS> (assert (a)) ==> f-1 (a) CLIPS> (run) ==> f-2 (b) CLIPS> (retract 1) <== f-1 (a) <== f-2 (b) CLIPS> (unwatch facts) CLIPS> (clear) ; CLIPSESG Bug CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER)) CLIPS> (defrule crash (not (object (is-a A))) (object (is-a A)) =>) CLIPS> (make-instance test1 of A) ==> Activation 0 crash: *,[test1] <== Activation 0 crash: *,[test1] [test1] CLIPS> (unmake-instance [test1]) TRUE CLIPS> (run) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (deftemplate A) CLIPS> (defrule crash (not (A)) (A) =>) CLIPS> (assert (A)) ==> Activation 0 crash: *,f-1 <== Activation 0 crash: *,f-1 CLIPS> (retract 1) CLIPS> (unwatch activations) CLIPS> (clear) ; CLIPSESG Bug CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (defclass A (is-a USER) (slot a)) CLIPS> (defrule test (not (object (is-a A) (a 1))) (object (is-a A) (a 1)) =>) CLIPS> (make-instance [a1] of A (a 1)) ==> Activation 0 test: *,[a1] <== Activation 0 test: *,[a1] [a1] CLIPS> (modify-instance [a1] (a 2)) TRUE CLIPS> (agenda) CLIPS> (unwatch activations) CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Ticket #14 CLIPS> (watch facts) CLIPS> (deftemplate foo (multislot x)) CLIPS> (deffacts start (foo (x 1 2)) (foo (x a))) CLIPS> (reset) ==> f-1 (foo (x 1 2)) ==> f-2 (foo (x a)) CLIPS> (do-for-fact ((?f foo)) TRUE (retract ?f) (bind ?x ?f:x) (assert (foo (x $?x 3)))) <== f-1 (foo (x 1 2)) [PRNTUTIL12] The variable/slot reference ?f:x cannot be resolved because the referenced fact f-1 has been retracted. FALSE CLIPS> (reset) <== f-2 (foo (x a)) ==> f-1 (foo (x 1 2)) ==> f-2 (foo (x a)) CLIPS> (do-for-all-facts ((?f foo)) TRUE (retract ?f) (printout t ?f " " ?f:x crlf)) <== f-1 (foo (x 1 2)) [PRNTUTIL12] The variable/slot reference ?f:x cannot be resolved because the referenced fact f-1 has been retracted. FALSE CLIPS> (unwatch facts) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (watch instances) CLIPS> (watch slots) CLIPS> (defclass FOO (is-a USER) (multislot x)) CLIPS> (definstances start ([f1] of FOO (x 1 2)) ([f2] of FOO (x a))) CLIPS> (reset) ==> instance [f1] of FOO ::= local slot x in instance f1 <- (1 2) ==> instance [f2] of FOO ::= local slot x in instance f2 <- (a) CLIPS> (do-for-instance ((?f FOO)) TRUE (send ?f delete) (bind ?x ?f:x) (make-instance [f3] of FOO (x $?x 3))) <== instance [f1] of FOO [PRNTUTIL15] The variable/slot reference ?f:x cannot be resolved because the referenced instance [f1] has been deleted. FALSE CLIPS> (reset) <== instance [f2] of FOO ==> instance [f1] of FOO ::= local slot x in instance f1 <- (1 2) ==> instance [f2] of FOO ::= local slot x in instance f2 <- (a) CLIPS> (do-for-all-instances ((?f FOO)) TRUE (send ?f delete) (printout t ?f " " ?f:x crlf)) <== instance [f1] of FOO [f1] [PRNTUTIL15] The variable/slot reference ?f:x cannot be resolved because the referenced instance [f1] has been deleted. FALSE CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ; Indentation depth overflow CLIPS> (defrule foo => (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then (if (eq 3 3) then 3))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CLIPS> (clear) ; Crash bug CLIPS> (deftemplate foobar (slot foo) (multislot bar)) CLIPS> (assert (foobar))) CLIPS> (modify 1 (dummy TRUE)) [TMPLTDEF1] Invalid slot 'dummy' not defined in corresponding deftemplate 'foobar'. FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; Logical CE Issue CLIPS> (deftemplate A (slot val)) CLIPS> (deftemplate B) CLIPS> (deftemplate C) CLIPS> (deftemplate D) CLIPS> (deffacts infinite_setup (A (val 1))) CLIPS> (defrule infinite_rule (logical (A (val ?val)) (not (and (B) (C))) (test (eq ?val 1))) (not (D)) => (assert (D))) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (watch rules) CLIPS> (watch facts) CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (run 1) FIRE 1 infinite_rule: f-1,*,* ==> f-2 (D) CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (deftemplate A (slot val)) CLIPS> (deftemplate B) CLIPS> (deftemplate C) CLIPS> (deftemplate D) CLIPS> (deffacts infinite_setup (A (val 1))) CLIPS> (defrule infinite_rule (logical (A (val ?val)) (not (and (B) (C))) (test (eq ?val 1)) (not (D))) => (assert (D))) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (watch rules) CLIPS> (watch facts) CLIPS> (watch activations) CLIPS> (run 1) FIRE 1 infinite_rule: f-1,*,* ==> f-2 (D) <== f-2 (D) ==> Activation 0 infinite_rule: f-1,*,* CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (clear) ; Funcall module specifier #1 CLIPS> (defmodule M (export deffunction ?ALL)) CLIPS> (deffunction foo (?x) (printout t ?x " in M" crlf)) CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN) CLIPS> (deffunction foo (?x) (printout t ?x " in MAIN" crlf)) CLIPS> (funcall foo bar) bar in MAIN CLIPS> (funcall M::foo baz) baz in M CLIPS> (funcall MAIN::foo baz) baz in MAIN CLIPS> (clear) ; Funcall module specifier #2 CLIPS> (defmodule M (export deffunction ?ALL)) CLIPS> (deffunction foo (?x) (funcall ?x)) CLIPS> (deffunction bar () (printout t "bar in M" crlf)) CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN (export deffunction ?ALL)) CLIPS> (deffunction bar () (printout t "bar in MAIN" crlf)) CLIPS> (M::foo bar) bar in M CLIPS> (M::foo MAIN::bar) bar in MAIN CLIPS> (M::foo M::bar) bar in M CLIPS> (clear) ; Funcall module specifier #3 CLIPS> (defmodule M (export deffunction ?ALL)) CLIPS> (deffunction foo (?x) (funcall ?x)) CLIPS> (deffunction bar () (printout t "bar in M" crlf)) CLIPS> (defmodule MAIN) CLIPS> (deffunction bar () (printout t "bar in MAIN" crlf)) CLIPS> (M::foo bar) bar in M CLIPS> (M::foo MAIN::bar) [ARGACCES2] Function 'funcall' expected argument #1 to be of type function, deffunction, or generic function name. FALSE CLIPS> (M::foo M::bar) bar in M CLIPS> (clear) ; Foreach bug CLIPS> (foreach ?a (create$ a b c) (foreach ?b (create$ x y) (printout t ?a " " ?b crlf))) a x a y b x b y c x c y CLIPS> (progn$ (?a (create$ a b c)) (progn$ (?b (create$ x y)) (printout t ?a " " ?b crlf))) a x a y b x b y c x c y CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defglobal ?*crash* = (create$ 1 2 3 etc)) CLIPS> (bind ?*crash* (rest$ ?*crash*)) (2 3 etc) CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Ticket #49 CLIPS> (::) [EXPRNPSR7] Missing module name for '::'. CLIPS> (clear) ; SourceForge Ticket #54 Extraneous Module Specifier CLIPS> (defmodule EXTRANEOUS::COMPUTE) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (defmodule EXTRANEOUS::COMPUTE CLIPS> (deftemplate MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::point) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (deftemplate MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::point CLIPS> (deffacts MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::points) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (deffacts MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::points CLIPS> (defrule MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::find-point =>) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::find-point CLIPS> (defclass MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::POINT (is-a USER)) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (defclass MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::POINT CLIPS> (defclass MAIN::POINT (is-a USER)) CLIPS> (defmessage-handler MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::POINT add-points ()) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (defmessage-handler MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::POINT CLIPS> (definstances MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::points) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (definstances MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::points CLIPS> (deffunction MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::add-point (?x ?y)) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (deffunction MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::add-point CLIPS> (defgeneric MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::add-point) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (defgeneric MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::add-point CLIPS> (defmethod MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::add-point ((?x FLOAT) (?y FLOAT))) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for module specifier. ERROR: (defmethod MAIN::EXTRANEOUS::add-point CLIPS> (clear) ; bsave-instances external-address issue CLIPS> (defclass EXPERIMENT (is-a USER) (slot fa (type FACT-ADDRESS)) (slot ia (type INSTANCE-ADDRESS)) (slot ea (type EXTERNAL-ADDRESS))) CLIPS> (make-instance e1 of EXPERIMENT (fa (assert (b))) (ia (instance-address(make-instance e2 of EXPERIMENT)))) [e1] CLIPS> (bsave-instances "Temp//experiment.bins") 2 CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (bload-instances "Temp//experiment.bins") 2 CLIPS> (send [e1] print) [e1] of EXPERIMENT (fa ) (ia [e2]) (ea ) CLIPS> (send [e2] print) [e2] of EXPERIMENT (fa ) (ia [Dummy Instance]) (ea ) CLIPS> (clear) ; Local variables cannot be accessed bug CLIPS> (deftemplate hello (slot self (type FACT-ADDRESS))) CLIPS> (deffacts hellos (hello)) CLIPS> (clear) ; Source Ticket #56 CLIPS> (deftemplate maze (multislot open-list) (slot goal)) CLIPS> (defrule test-1 (maze (open-list) (goal ?g&nil)) =>) CLIPS> (defrule test-2 (maze (open-list) (goal ?g&:(eq ?g nil))) =>) CLIPS> (defrule test-3 (maze (open-list) (goal ~nil)) =>) CLIPS> (clear) ; Error line count issue CLIPS> (load line_error_crlf.clp) %$ [TMPLTDEF1] line_error_crlf.clp, Line 7: Invalid slot 'z' not defined in corresponding deftemplate 'point'. ERROR: (deffacts MAIN::points (point (x 1) (y 2)) (point (x 3) (y 4) (z FALSE CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (load line_error_lf.clp) %$ [TMPLTDEF1] line_error_lf.clp, Line 7: Invalid slot 'z' not defined in corresponding deftemplate 'point'. ERROR: (deffacts MAIN::points (point (x 1) (y 2)) (point (x 3) (y 4) (z FALSE CLIPS> (clear) ; CLIPSESG!topic/CLIPSESG/j4fmacgmAZY CLIPS> (deftemplate example (slot value (type SYMBOL) (allowed-symbols FALSE TRUE))) CLIPS> (defrule attempt-to-construct-example ?f <- (line ?line) => (retract ?f) (assert (example (value (eq ?line ""))))) CLIPS> (clear) ; CLIPSESG!topic/CLIPSESG/YaNnNF1xg5w CLIPS> (defclass OAV (is-a USER) (slot object) (slot attribute) (multislot values)) CLIPS> (make-instance oav1 of OAV (object Fred) (attribute hobbies) (values reading hiking chess)) [oav1] CLIPS> (bsave-instances "Temp//drins.bin") 1 CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (bload-instances "Temp//drins.bin") 1 CLIPS> (send [oav1] print) [oav1] of OAV (object Fred) (attribute hobbies) (values reading hiking chess) CLIPS> (clear) ; Object pattern matching underflow CLIPS> (deftemplate range (slot start) (slot finish)) CLIPS> (deftemplate sequence (multislot elements)) CLIPS> (defclass container (is-a USER) (multislot contents)) CLIPS> (deffacts defranges (range (start 2) (finish 11)) (range (start 12) (finish 19))) CLIPS> (deffacts defsequences (sequence (elements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19))) CLIPS> (definstances containers (of container (contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)) (of container (contents))) CLIPS> (defrule eliminate-entire-range (range (start ?start) (finish ?finish)) (sequence (elements ?start $? ?finish)) (object (is-a container) (contents $?before ?start $? ?finish $?after) (name ?name)) => (modify-instance ?name (contents $?before $?after))) CLIPS> (reset) CLIPS> (run) CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (dribble-off)