TRUE CLIPS> (batch "misclns3.bat") TRUE CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defrule foo (factoid $?x&:(> (length$ ?x) 3)) =>) CLIPS> (assert (factoid a) (factoid a b c) (factoid a b c d e)) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 foo: f-3 For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (clear) CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x* = 0) CLIPS> (bind ?*x* (assert (this))) CLIPS> (assert (that ?*x*)) CLIPS> (bind ?*x* (assert (what))) CLIPS> (assert (that ?*x*)) CLIPS> (defrule foo ?f <- (this) (that ?f) =>) CLIPS> (agenda) 0 foo: f-1,f-2 For a total of 1 activation. CLIPS> (get-dynamic-deftemplate-checking) ;; CR0191 [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'get-dynamic-deftemplate-checking'. CLIPS> (set-dynamic-deftemplate-checking) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'set-dynamic-deftemplate-checking'. CLIPS> (crsv-trace-on) ;; CR0207 [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'crsv-trace-on'. CLIPS> (crsv-trace-off) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'crsv-trace-off'. CLIPS> (defexternal) ;; CR0219 [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'defexternal'. CLIPS> (defrelation) [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'defrelation'. CLIPS> (defrule foo (?x ?y) =>) ;; CR0220 [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for the first field of a pattern. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::foo (?x CLIPS> (defrule foo (red | blue) =>) [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for the first field of a pattern. ERROR: (defrule MAIN::foo (red | CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0222 CLIPS> (remove blah.clp) FALSE CLIPS> (load blah.clp) [ARGACCES3] Function 'load' was unable to open file 'blah.clp'. FALSE CLIPS> (save blah.clp) TRUE CLIPS> (load blah.clp) TRUE CLIPS> (remove blah.clp) TRUE CLIPS> (remove blah.bin) FALSE CLIPS> (bload blah.bin) [ARGACCES3] Function 'bload' was unable to open file 'blah.bin'. FALSE CLIPS> (bsave blah.bin) TRUE CLIPS> (bload blah.bin) TRUE CLIPS> (remove blah.bin) TRUE CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0223 CLIPS> (assert (a =(+ 3 4))) CLIPS> (assert (a (+ 5 6))) CLIPS> (facts) f-1 (a 7) f-2 (a 11) For a total of 2 facts. CLIPS> (remove) ;; CR0240 [ARGACCES1] Function 'remove' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (remove 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'remove' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol or string. CLIPS> (remove blah.txt 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'remove' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (open "blah.txt" blah "w") TRUE CLIPS> (printout blah "(printout t Greetings from blah.txt crlf)" crlf) CLIPS> (close blah) TRUE CLIPS> (batch blah.txt) TRUE CLIPS> (printout t Greetings from blah.txt crlf) Greetingsfromblah.txt CLIPS> (remove blah.txt) TRUE CLIPS> (batch blah.txt) [ARGACCES3] Function 'batch' was unable to open file 'blah.txt'. FALSE CLIPS> (remove yuck.txt) FALSE CLIPS> (rename) [ARGACCES1] Function 'rename' expected exactly 2 arguments. CLIPS> (rename 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'rename' expected exactly 2 arguments. CLIPS> (rename blah.txt 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'rename' expected argument #2 to be of type symbol or string. CLIPS> (rename blah.txt yuck.txt 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'rename' expected exactly 2 arguments. CLIPS> (open "blah.txt" blah "w") TRUE CLIPS> (printout blah "(printout t Greetings from blah.txt crlf)" crlf) CLIPS> (close blah) TRUE CLIPS> (rename blah.txt yuck.txt) TRUE CLIPS> (remove blah.txt) FALSE CLIPS> (batch yuck.txt) TRUE CLIPS> (printout t Greetings from blah.txt crlf) Greetingsfromblah.txt CLIPS> (remove yuck.txt) TRUE CLIPS> (apropos) ;; CR0241 [ARGACCES1] Function 'apropos' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (apropos 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'apropos' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (apropos "dynamic" 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'apropos' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (apropos "dynamic") [ARGACCES2] Function 'apropos' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (apropos dynamic) get-dynamic-constraint-checking dynamic-put set-dynamic-constraint-checking dynamic-get CLIPS> (list-watch-items 7) ;; CR0263 [ARGACCES2] Function 'list-watch-items' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (unwatch all) CLIPS> (list-watch-items) facts = off instances = off slots = off rules = off activations = off messages = off message-handlers = off generic-functions = off methods = off deffunctions = off compilations = off statistics = off globals = off focus = off CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0264 CLIPS> (assert (foo)) CLIPS> (list-deftemplates) foo For a total of 1 deftemplate. CLIPS> (undeftemplate foo) [PRNTUTIL4] Unable to delete deftemplate 'foo'. CLIPS> (retract 1) CLIPS> (undeftemplate foo) CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0265 CLIPS> (defglobal ?*x* = 3) CLIPS> (str-assert "(foo ?*x* (+ 3 4))") CLIPS> (facts) f-1 (foo 3 7) For a total of 1 fact. CLIPS> (str-assert "(foo ?*x* (+ 3 4))") CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0269 CLIPS> (remove blah.txt) FALSE CLIPS> (load-facts blah.txt) [ARGACCES3] Function 'load-facts' was unable to open file 'blah.txt'. -1 CLIPS> (batch blah.txt) [ARGACCES3] Function 'batch' was unable to open file 'blah.txt'. FALSE CLIPS> (assert (foo)) CLIPS> (list-deftemplates) foo For a total of 1 deftemplate. CLIPS> (ppdeftemplate foo) CLIPS> (trunc) ;; CR0271 [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'trunc'. CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0272 CLIPS> (defmodule A) CLIPS> (defrule A::foo (not (b)) =>) CLIPS> (deftemplate A::bar) CLIPS> (deffacts A::yak) CLIPS> (defglobal A ?*woz* = 3) CLIPS> (defrule-module) [ARGACCES1] Function 'defrule-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (defrule-module 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'defrule-module' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (defrule-module foo 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'defrule-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (defrule-module huh) [PRNTUTIL1] Unable to find defrule 'huh'. FALSE CLIPS> (defrule-module foo) A CLIPS> (deftemplate-module) [ARGACCES1] Function 'deftemplate-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (deftemplate-module 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'deftemplate-module' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (deftemplate-module bar 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'deftemplate-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (deftemplate-module huh) [PRNTUTIL1] Unable to find deftemplate 'huh'. FALSE CLIPS> (deftemplate-module bar) A CLIPS> (deffacts-module) [ARGACCES1] Function 'deffacts-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (deffacts-module 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'deffacts-module' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (deffacts-module yak 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'deffacts-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (deffacts-module huh) [PRNTUTIL1] Unable to find deffacts 'huh'. FALSE CLIPS> (deffacts-module yak) A CLIPS> (defglobal-module) [ARGACCES1] Function 'defglobal-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (defglobal-module 7) [ARGACCES2] Function 'defglobal-module' expected argument #1 to be of type symbol. CLIPS> (defglobal-module woz 7) [ARGACCES1] Function 'defglobal-module' expected exactly 1 argument. CLIPS> (defglobal-module huh) [PRNTUTIL1] Unable to find defglobal 'huh'. FALSE CLIPS> (defglobal-module woz) A CLIPS> (clear) ;; CR0280 CLIPS> (assert-string "(a b c)") CLIPS> (assert-string "d e f") [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for RHS patterns. FALSE CLIPS> (facts) f-1 (a b c) For a total of 1 fact. CLIPS> (dribble-off)