extern crate clonablechild; use clonablechild::{ChildExt, ClonableChild}; use platform_helper::*; use std::io::{self, Read}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio, ExitStatus}; use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle}; use std::time::Duration; #[test] fn wait_for_child_twice() { let testee = create_testee(INSTANT_EXIT_COMMAND); for _ in 0..2 { let exit_status = testee.wait().expect("Expected To be able to wait for child"); assert!(clean_exit(&exit_status)); } } #[test] fn killing_dead_child() { let testee = create_testee(INSTANT_EXIT_COMMAND); testee.wait().expect("Expected To be able to wait for child"); assert!(testee.kill().is_err()); } #[test] fn killing_running_without_wait() { let testee = create_testee(LONG_RUNNING_COMMAND); assert!(testee.kill().is_ok()); let exit_status = testee.wait().expect("Expected To be able to wait for child"); assert!(was_killed(&exit_status)); } #[test] fn killing_dead_without_wait() { let testee = create_testee(INSTANT_EXIT_COMMAND); sleep_one_sec(); let kill_result = testee.kill(); #[cfg(unix)] assert!(kill_result.is_ok()); #[cfg(windows)] assert!(kill_result.is_err()); let exit_status = testee.wait().expect("Expected To be able to wait for child"); assert!(!was_killed(&exit_status)); } #[test] fn multiple_wait_long_running_child() { let (_, threads) = create_testee_where_many_threads_wait(LONG_RUNNING_COMMAND); for thread in threads { let thread_result = thread.join().expect("Expected to be able to join thread"); let exit_status = thread_result.expect("Expected thread to have an Result::Ok"); assert!(clean_exit(&exit_status)); } } #[test] fn multiple_wait_and_kill_long_running_child() { let (testee, threads) = create_testee_where_many_threads_wait(LONG_RUNNING_COMMAND); sleep_one_sec(); testee.kill().expect("Expected kill Result to be Ok"); for thread in threads { let thread_result = thread.join().expect("Expected to be able to join thread"); let exit_status = thread_result.expect("Expected thread to have a Result::Ok"); assert!(was_killed(&exit_status)); } } #[test] fn stdio_is_passed_to_cloned_child() { let mut testee = create_testee_with_stdout(INSTANT_EXIT_COMMAND); let mut stdout = testee.stdout().expect("Expected stdout"); let mut stderr = testee.stderr().expect("Expected stderr"); let mut stdout_string = String::new(); let mut stderr_string = String::new(); stdout.read_to_string(&mut stdout_string).expect("Expected to read from stdout"); stderr.read_to_string(&mut stderr_string).expect("Expected to read from stderr"); assert_eq!("hello\n", stdout_string); assert_eq!("", stderr_string); } fn create_testee(cmd: (&str, &[&str])) -> ClonableChild { create_testee_child(cmd, Stdio::null(), Stdio::null()) } fn create_testee_with_stdout(cmd: (&str, &[&str])) -> ClonableChild { create_testee_child(cmd, Stdio::piped(), Stdio::piped()) } fn create_testee_child(cmd: (&str, &[&str]), stdout: Stdio, stderr: Stdio) -> ClonableChild { let child = Command::new(cmd.0) .args(cmd.1) .stdout(stdout) .stderr(stderr) .spawn() .expect(&format!("Expected to be able to spawn {}", cmd.0)); child.into_clonable() } fn create_testee_where_many_threads_wait (cmd: (&str, &[&str])) -> (ClonableChild, Vec>>) { let testee = create_testee(cmd); let mut threads = vec![]; for _ in 0..10 { let testee_clone = testee.clone(); threads.push(thread::spawn(move || testee_clone.wait())); } (testee, threads) } fn sleep_one_sec() { thread::sleep(Duration::new(1, 0)); } fn clean_exit(exit_status: &ExitStatus) -> bool { exit_status.success() && (exit_status.code() == Some(0)) } #[cfg(unix)] pub mod platform_helper { use std::process::ExitStatus; pub const LONG_RUNNING_COMMAND: (&'static str, &'static [&'static str]) = ("sleep", &["3"]); pub const INSTANT_EXIT_COMMAND: (&'static str, &'static [&'static str]) = ("echo", &["hello"]); pub fn was_killed(exit_status: &ExitStatus) -> bool { (!exit_status.success()) && (exit_status.code().is_none()) } } #[cfg(windows)] pub mod platform_helper { use std::process::ExitStatus; pub const LONG_RUNNING_COMMAND: (&'static str, &'static [&'static str]) = ("ping", &["", "-n", "4"]); pub const INSTANT_EXIT_COMMAND: (&'static str, &'static [&'static str]) = ("echo", &["hello"]); pub fn was_killed(exit_status: &ExitStatus) -> bool { (!exit_status.success()) && (exit_status.code() == Some(1)) } }