//! //! ## Basic use-case //! //! Demonstrates the usage of `clone_dyn` to enable cloning for trait objects. //! //! By default, Rust does not support cloning for trait objects due to the `Clone` trait //! requiring compile-time knowledge of the type's size. The `clone_dyn` crate addresses //! this limitation through procedural macros, allowing for cloning collections of trait objects. //! //! ##### Overview //! //! This example shows how to use the `clone_dyn` crate to enable cloning for trait objects, //! specifically for iterators. It defines a custom trait, `IterTrait`, that encapsulates //! an iterator with specific characteristics and demonstrates how to use `CloneDyn` to //! overcome the object safety constraints of the `Clone` trait. //! //! ##### The `IterTrait` Trait //! //! The `IterTrait` trait is designed to represent iterators that yield references to items (`&'a T`). //! These iterators must also implement the `ExactSizeIterator` and `DoubleEndedIterator` traits. //! Additionally, the iterator must implement the `CloneDyn` trait, which allows cloning of trait objects. //! //! The trait is implemented for any type that meets the specified requirements. //! //! ##### Cloning Trait Objects //! //! Rust's type system does not allow trait objects to implement the `Clone` trait directly due to object safety constraints. //! Specifically, the `Clone` trait requires knowledge of the concrete type at compile time, which is not available for trait objects. //! //! The `CloneDyn` trait from the `clone_dyn` crate provides a workaround for this limitation by allowing trait objects to be cloned. //! Procedural macros generates the necessary code for cloning trait objects, making it possible to clone collections of trait objects. //! //! The example demonstrates how to implement `Clone` for boxed `IterTrait` trait objects. //! //! ##### `get_iter` Function //! //! The `get_iter` function returns a boxed iterator that implements the `IterTrait` trait. //! If the input is `Some`, it returns an iterator over the vector. //! If the input is `None`, it returns an empty iterator. //! //! It's not possible to use `impl Iterator` here because the code returns iterators of two different types: //! - `std::slice::Iter` when the input is `Some`. //! - `std::iter::Empty` when the input is `None`. //! //! To handle this, the function returns a trait object ( `Box< dyn IterTrait >` ). //! However, Rust's `Clone` trait cannot be implemented for trait objects due to object safety constraints. //! The `CloneDyn` trait addresses this problem by enabling cloning of trait objects. //! //! ##### `use_iter` Function //! //! The `use_iter` function demonstrates the use of the `CloneDyn` trait by cloning the iterator. //! It then iterates over the cloned iterator and prints each element. //! //! ##### Main Function //! //! The main function demonstrates the overall usage by creating a vector, obtaining an iterator, and using the iterator to print elements. //! #[ cfg( not( feature = "enabled" ) ) ] fn main() {} #[ cfg( feature = "enabled" ) ] fn main() { use clone_dyn::{ clone_dyn, CloneDyn }; /// Trait that encapsulates an iterator with specific characteristics, tailored for your needs. #[ clone_dyn ] pub trait IterTrait< 'a, T > where T : 'a, Self : Iterator< Item = T > + ExactSizeIterator< Item = T > + DoubleEndedIterator, // Self : CloneDyn, // There’s no need to explicitly define this bound because the macro will handle it for you. { } impl< 'a, T, I > IterTrait< 'a, T > for I where T : 'a, Self : Iterator< Item = T > + ExactSizeIterator< Item = T > + DoubleEndedIterator, Self : CloneDyn, { } /// /// Function to get an iterator over a vector of integers. /// /// This function returns a boxed iterator that implements the `IterTrait` trait. /// If the input is `Some`, it returns an iterator over the vector. /// If the input is `None`, it returns an empty iterator. /// /// Rust's type system does not allow trait objects to implement the `Clone` trait directly due to object safety constraints. /// Specifically, the `Clone` trait requires knowledge of the concrete type at compile time, which is not available for trait objects. /// /// In this example, we need to return an iterator that can be cloned. Since we are returning a trait object ( `Box< dyn IterTrait >` ), /// we cannot directly implement `Clone` for this trait object. This is where the `CloneDyn` trait from the `clone_dyn` crate comes in handy. /// /// The `CloneDyn` trait provides a workaround for this limitation by allowing trait objects to be cloned. /// It uses procedural macros to generate the necessary code for cloning trait objects, making it possible to clone collections of trait objects. /// /// It's not possible to use `impl Iterator` here because the code returns iterators of two different types: /// - `std::slice::Iter` when the input is `Some`. /// - `std::iter::Empty` when the input is `None`. /// /// To handle this, the function returns a trait object (`Box`). /// However, Rust's `Clone` trait cannot be implemented for trait objects due to object safety constraints. /// The `CloneDyn` trait addresses this problem by enabling cloning of trait objects. pub fn get_iter< 'a >( src : Option< &'a Vec< i32 > > ) -> Box< dyn IterTrait< 'a, &'a i32 > + 'a > { match &src { Some( src ) => Box::new( src.iter() ), _ => Box::new( core::iter::empty() ), } } /// Function to use an iterator and print its elements. /// /// This function demonstrates the use of the `CloneDyn` trait by cloning the iterator. /// It then iterates over the cloned iterator and prints each element. pub fn use_iter< 'a >( iter : Box< dyn IterTrait< 'a, &'a i32 > + 'a > ) { // Clone would not be available if CloneDyn is not implemented for the iterator. // And being an object-safe trait, it can't implement Clone. // Nevertheless, thanks to CloneDyn, the object is clonable. // // This line demonstrates cloning the iterator and iterating over the cloned iterator. // Without `CloneDyn`, you would need to collect the iterator into a container, allocating memory on the heap. iter.clone().for_each( | e | println!( "{e}" ) ); // Iterate over the original iterator and print each element. iter.for_each( | e | println!( "{e}" ) ); } // Create a vector of integers. let data = vec![ 1, 2, 3 ]; // Get an iterator over the vector. let iter = get_iter( Some( &data ) ); // Use the iterator to print its elements. use_iter( iter ); }