# What's ?

It's a simple tool to clone directories contents from the local machine.

## Installation

cargo install cloning

## Usage

Cloning source directory to destination

Usage: cloning --template=<template> --progress=<progress> --source=<source> --destination=<destination> --clock=<clock>

      --template=<template>        the progress console output
      --progress=<progress>        the progress bar progress chars
      --source=<source>            the directory to clone
      --destination=<destination>  the directory destination path
      --clock=<clock>              Set the sleep time
  -h, --help                       Print help

## Display help

cloning --help

## Example

cloning --template='{spinner:.white} [{elapsed_precise}] [{bar:50.white}] {msg}' --progress='==-' --source='source' --destination='dest' --clock=250 

## Template 

* [**Templates**](https://docs.rs/indicatif/0.17.8/indicatif/#templates)
    * `bar`: renders a progress bar. By default, 20 characters wide. The style string is used to color the elapsed part,
      the alternative style is used for the bar that is yet to render.
    * `wide_bar`: like bar but always fills the remaining space. It should not be used with wide_msg.
    * `spinner`: renders the spinner (current tick string). Note that spinners do not automatically tick by default. You
      either need to call enable_steady_tick or manually call tick.
    * `prefix`: renders the prefix set on the progress bar.
    * `msg`: renders the currently set message on the progress bar.
    * `wide_msg`: like msg but always fills the remaining space and truncates. It should not be used with wide_bar.
    * `pos`: renders the current position of the bar as integer
    * `human_pos`: renders the current position of the bar as an integer, with commas as the thousands separator.
    * `len`: renders the amount of work to be done as an integer
    * `human_len`: renders the total length of the bar as an integer, with commas as the thousands separator.
    * `percent`: renders the current position of the bar as a percentage of the total length (as an integer).
    * `percent_precise`: renders the current position of the bar as a percentage of the total length (with 3 fraction
    * `bytes`: renders the current position of the bar as bytes (alias of binary_bytes).
    * `total_bytes`: renders the total length of the bar as bytes (alias of binary_total_bytes).
    * `decimal_bytes`: renders the current position of the bar as bytes using power-of-10 units, i.e. MB, kB, etc.
    * `decimal_total_bytes`: renders the total length of the bar as bytes using power-of-10 units, i.e. MB, kB, etc.
    * `binary_bytes`: renders the current position of the bar as bytes using power-of-two units, i.e. MiB, KiB, etc.
    * `binary_total_bytes`: renders the total length of the bar as bytes using power-of-two units, i.e. MiB, KiB, etc.
    * `elapsed_precise`: renders the elapsed time as HH:MM:SS.
    * `elapsed`: renders the elapsed time as 42s, 1m etc.
    * `per_sec`: renders the speed in steps per second.
    * `bytes_per_sec`: renders the speed in bytes per second (alias of binary_bytes_per_sec).
    * `decimal_bytes_per_sec`: renders the speed in bytes per second using power-of-10 units, i.e. MB, kB, etc.
    * `binary_bytes_per_sec`: renders the speed in bytes per second using power-of-two units, i.e. MiB, KiB, etc.
    * `eta_precise`: the remaining time (like elapsed_precise).
    * `eta`: the remaining time (like elapsed).
    * `duration_precise`: the extrapolated total duration (like elapsed_precise).
    * `duration`: the extrapolated total duration time (like elapsed).